THE VUES: How does it feel to be in the playoffs again?
BROOK LOPEZ: It’s a huge honor. First and foremost I couldn’t have
done it without my teammates. They make my job 100 times
easier, playing with Deron (Williams), Joe (Johnson), Gerald
(Wallace), they gift wrap me buckets and take a lot of attention away
from me on the court. It is something I have been working towards and
it’s been a goal of mine .
Favorite Sports Teams Growing Up: Detroit Tigers and the Los Angeles Lakers
Favorite Ball Player growing up: Ken Griffey Jr.
Favorite City to Visit:California and Florida
Favorite Basketball Arena to play in: besides Barcalay, the Staples
Center and Madison Square Garden
Cell Phone:Droid
First Job: NBA basketball player
Biggest Thrill so far playing as a professional Basketball Player:
Playing in 2 overseas games in London my rookie year against the Miami
Heat, but the all star game was also pretty cool.
Player you would pay to watch: Ken Griffey Jr.
If you weren’t a basketball player you would be a: writer, I love writing.
Best advice ever received: Always give your best effort and control
what you can and things will work its way out.
Most embarrassing moment: Going up for rebound and my shorts fell down
Biggest influence growing up: my mom