Born: March 27, 1993 (age 25) in Cheyenne, Wyoming
Ht/Wt: 6’ 3”, 206 lbs.
Drafted: by the Mets in the first round of the 2011 Major League Baseball draft. Baseball America ranked Nimmo among the top fifty prospects for the 2011 draft at number 35.When the Mets selected Nimmo with the thirteenth overall pick in 2011, he became the highest-drafted Wyomingite in the history of the Major League Baseball Draft. He is recognized as the only player to make the major leagues directly from Wyoming.
Favorite Movie: Forrest Gump
Favorite Actor: Tom Hanks
Favorite team growing up:
Colorado Rockies
Favorite Ballplayer
growing up:
Troy Tolowitzky
Is there one person you feel most comfortable talking to about how you’re playing? A: Probably my dad, honestly. My dad is the guy I talk too pretty much every night and we go over the games and what happened. My dad expects a lot from me. Not results, but the effort I put in, the approach I take toward the game. I try to be really honest with him about how things are going. He tries to help with my swing. He wishes he could be there more often to help out with my swing. He’s seen it since I was two years old, since I started swinging a bat. He’s seen the progression of it. He knows all the keys that I go back to, the basics I go back to. I definitely go to him for advice on the swing and we try to solve those problems as they come up.
How do you like your new manager Mickey Callaway? A: He’s a great communicator. Jay Bruce was with him last year in Cleveland and loved him. I’m looking forward to getting to know him better.
Is there something that you worked on this off season to help your game? A: I worked on playing center field. With Conforto being injured coming into the season, they wanted me to get use to center field.Whatever it takes to help the team.
During the off season you moved to New York. How are you enjoying it so far? A: It’s definitely different. I’m a Wyoming guy, but I’m enjoying it.
You just took a picture with my son and gave him an autograph, do you mind giving fans autographs? A: It’s something that is just easy for me to do. Anyone that wants to support me, I’m not going to turn that down. It’s always nice to have support. It’s just something that I remember as a kid and you try to not become too high and mighty for those kind of things.