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    In Shmos 30:12 the posuk teaches us that when counting the Jewish people, one must count them by collecting a coin from each person and the coins are then counted. The Medrash quotes two pesukim in Tehillim 3:3 and 3:4. The first posuk tells us, “Many say that our souls have no help, only with Hashem forever.” The second posuk says, “But you, Hashem, protect me.” The Medrash equates these two pesukim with the above mentioned posuk in Shmos 30:12 that instructs how to count the Jewish people. It is a very hard Medrash to understand.

    Reb Yonasan Eibshitz, in his sefer Medrash Yonasan, explains this connection based on a Gemara that says that an apikores asked Rava the following question. We have a concept in the Torah of “acharei rabbim,” we pasken like the majority. He asked why is it that if the majority of the world are Goyim and they serve idols, shouldn’t all the Jews do so as well? Rava responded that there is a halacha in the Gemara that a “davar sh’be’minyan” does not become battul. This means that anything that is so important that we count each individual item, like eggs which get sold by number, they don’t become nullified when mixed with others. Even if it falls into a ratio of 1:1000, it won’t become nullified. Therefore, us Jews, who are counted individually by Hashem, will never be nullified amongst the Goyim. We do not serve idols based on what the majority of the world does since we are not considered part of them!

    This would explain the Medrash that discusses that many people in the world say that the Jews stand no chance. They say we should go “basar Rov,” but since Hashem is clearly our protector. How is that so clear? Because of the way Hashem has us counted individually, it becomes our saving grace since we don’t get nullified!

    The method of counting is by every person giving a coin to tzedaka. The Baal Haturim says that the word of giving – “Venusnu” in Hebrew is read the same backwards and forwards. It is a palindrome. This shows us that whatever one gives to tzedaka will be returned to him, and he will not miss out on anything at all.

    The Chida explains that as soon as a person commits to giving tzedakah, at that moment from Shomayim, they pour bracha onto him. That is shown in the palindrome that you may think you are giving, but Hashem already gave you your reward.

    The Kotzker explains the phenomenon that Moshe could not understand the machtzis Hashekel and Hashem showed it to him in fire. What was the issue? The Kotzker explains that anything in the world that I give to someone else I am automatically missing the part I gave up. The exception to this is fire. Despite the fact that I may share my fire with someone else, I don’t have anything missing. Moshe was not understanding how someone could give tzedaka and yet not miss anything. Hashem had to show him the case of fire to show this concept, that despite the fact that you share fire with someone else you are not losing out. The same concept applies to giving tzedaka!

    May we be zocheh to give Tzedaka properly and to be counted as part of Klal Yisrael!