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    During the winter
    break season,
    many families
    choose to go
    on vacations to
    rejuvenate after
    a year of stress.
    While it is undoubtedly a joyous time
    that should be enjoyed, the question
    arises: is it permitted to go on vacation
    at a time when our brothers and sisters
    in Israel are at war, many are still in
    captivity, and all Jews face serious
    threats from anti-Semitic propaganda
    and attacks?
    The Gemara states (א,יא תענית(:” When
    the Jewish people are immersed in
    distress, and an individual separates
    himself from the community, refusing
    to share in their suffering, the two
    angels accompanying him place their
    hands on his head, treating him as if
    he were an offering, and declare: ‘This
    man who has distanced himself from
    the community, let him not witness the
    consolation of the community.’”

    The Gemara continues: “When the
    community is engulfed in suffering,
    an individual may not say, ‘I will go to
    my home, eat and drink, and may peace
    be upon my soul.’ If one does so, the
    pasuk (22:13 ישעיה(:’ And behold joy
    and gladness, slaying beef and killing
    sheep, eating flesh and drinking wine;
    let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we
    shall die.’ applies to him. The prophecy
    continues with the consequence in the
    next pasuk: ‘Surely this iniquity shall
    not be atoned by you until you die’
    “.(ישעיה 22:14)
    Then the Beraita emphasizes that
    instead, a person should share in the
    distress of the community, exemplified
    by Moshe Rabenu during the war with
    Amalek, as described )in 17:12 שמות):
    “But Moshe’s hands were heavy; and
    they took a stone, and put it under
    him, and he sat upon it.” The Beraita
    explains that Moshe, despite having
    a pillow or cushion, chose to sit on a
    rock, expressing his solidarity with the
    suffering Jewish people. The Baraita
    concludes: “Anyone who is distressed

    together with the
    community will merit
    seeing the consolation
    of the community.”
    In Pirkei Avot (פרק
    :learn we ,)ב משנה ד
    Hillel said, “Do not
    separate yourself
    from the community,”
    emphasizing the
    importance of joining
    the community in times
    פירוש רבי) suffering of
    .(עובדיה מברטנורא
    (סימן תקעד ס״ה) Aruch Shulchan The
    also underscores this principle, stating
    the same. However, commentaries on
    משנה ברורה ס״ק יג,) Aruch Shulchan the
    this interpret to appear) כף החיים ס״ק טז
    differently, suggesting that a person
    must join the community specifically
    in activities that benefit the community,
    such as prayer, fasting, or charitable
    giving, while otherwise, there may not
    be an obligation to do so.
    However, because refraining from

    joyous activities during this time is not
    a prohibition but rather a recommended
    conduct, if an individual feels a
    significant need to temporarily leave the
    stress of the city for a few days for the
    sake of mental health, it is permissible.
    Summary: While it’s not forbidden to
    go on vacation, it is advisable to refrain
    from joyous activities during this time
    and instead empathize with the pain of
    Klal Israel. However, if an individual
    is genuinely stressed and in need of
    distressing, going on a vacation for
    that purpose is fine as this is not a strict