After the three
weeks are over
many individuals use
the opportunity to
embark on vacations
with their families.
It serves as a time for
reflection, but also a chance to rejuvenate and
spend quality time with loved ones.
As part of their vacation plans, some people
opt to stay at hotels to enjoy a comfortable
and relaxing experience. Hotels often
provide various amenities for their guests’
convenience, such as soap, shampoos, and
sometimes even complimentary tea and coffee
supplies in the rooms.
However, a common question that arises
among guests is whether it is permitted to take
these amenities with them upon checkout,
as there might be a concern that these items
belong to the hotel and should remain on the
premises. In this article, we aim to clarify
which amenities guests are generally allowed
to take when departing the hotel and which
ones should be left behind.
To address this question we would like to
dwell into some of the Halachot mentioned in
the earlier poskim and see if we can learn from
them to our case.
Taking Things That the Owner
Doesn’t Mind
writes) חו״מ סימן שנט ס״א) Aruch Shulchan The
that one may take items that the owner of
those items doesn’t mind being taken. This
principle extends to various situations. For
example, it is permissible to take a straw from
a haystack or a fence to clean one’s teeth, as
these are generally considered insignificant or
readily replaceable items, and the owner likely
wouldn’t object to their use for such purposes.
The Aruch Hashulchan permits taking a match
from someone else’s matchbox or a cup of
hot water for tea without explicit permission,
assuming that people generally don’t mind
such actions.
Needless to say, if the owner expresses a
clear desire against people taking items, or
if one senses that the owner may not permit
it, it is not allowed to take without explicit
With that, we can also infer from our discussion
that in a hotel setting, the assumption is
generally that the hotel owner doesn’t mind
guests taking minor amenities, as these items
are provided for guests’ use during their stay
Doubtful Items
Items that are doubtful, such as socks or
slippers, where it is uncertain whether they
were intended to be taken or left behind,
should not be taken. In cases of doubtful
gezel (theft), one should refrain from
taking such items, as it is forbidden to take
something that may belong to someone else
without explicit permission.
Food for the Way
The breakfast room offers a selection of
cereals and fruits for guests to enjoy. Are
guests allowed to take them from the breakfast
room when they leave the hotel, or do they
need to consume their breakfast exclusively
within the hotel premises without taking any
food items when departing?
As the food provided in the hotel’s breakfast
room is included as part of the guest’s stay and
has been paid for, it is considered to belong to
the guest. Therefore, the guest is free to decide
what to do with the breakfast items. Similar
to a situation in a restaurant where a person
asks to have their leftover food wrapped to
take home, the hotel guest may also pack the
cereals and fruits from the breakfast room to
take with them for their journey. The hotel
respects the guest’s choice and ensures
that they have a pleasant and convenient
breakfast experience during their stay.
Taking for Others
But what about taking those things for
others? For example, may one take the
amenities to give a souvenir to his friend, or
since it was given only for his own use, he
can only use it himself?
Indeed, we can draw some insights from
the words of the Rema(ס״ז כח סימן אה״ע (,
who noted that a guest is allowed to take his
portion of food and give it to a woman as
a token to be married. This ruling suggests
that under certain circumstances, items
intended for personal use can be transferred
to others as gifts or tokens of affection.
Similarly, in the context of hotel amenities,
if the hotel’s policies allow guests to take
these items for personal use or even for the
purpose of sharing them as souvenirs, then
it would be comparable to the situation
mentioned by the Rema. In such cases, it
would be permissible to take the amenities
with the intention of giving them to others
as tokens or mementos.
The Maharit (קנ סימן ח״א (explains that one
must be mindful that only those items he
received for his own stay are included in the
permission to give to others. However, he
may not request additional amenities from
the front desk or the cleaning staff with the
intention of giving them to other people.
Being responsible for the room and
its contents.
When one enters his hotel room, he must
recognize that he assumes the role of a
watcher over the room and its belongings,
becoming fully responsible for everything
within it. This includes being mindful of any
children accompanying him, ensuring they
do not cause any damage to the room or its
contents. If any items are broken or damaged
due to the actions of his children, he must
take responsibility and be prepared to cover
the costs for repair or replacement. (חושן פתחי
(הלכות פקדון ושאלה פ״ב הערה מט
Responsibility is emphasized by the hotel
management when guests rent a room,
and it is commonly demonstrated by the
hotel’s practice of authorizing a certain
amount of money on the guest’s credit card.
This action signifies that the hotel holds
the guest accountable for the room and its
contents during their stay. By doing so, the
hotel ensures that guests are aware of their
obligation to take care of the room and any
potential damages that might occur. It fosters
a sense of mutual trust and responsibility
between the hotel and its guests, promoting a
harmonious and respectful stay.
The general rule of thumb is that guests may
take those amenities that the hotel doesn’t
mind being taken. However, items that the
hotel clearly intends for guests to leave behind
should not be taken.
Items like soap and shampoos are generally
considered as part of the guest’s personal use
during their stay, so it is generally acceptable to
take them when departing the hotel. However,
certain items, such as towels, pillowcases,
robes, and other reusable items, are provided
for the guests’ use during their stay but are not
intended for taking home. These items belong
to the hotel and are meant to be used by future
Upon entering a hotel room, guests take on the
responsibility of safeguarding the room and
its belongings, including being mindful of any
accompanying children to prevent damages.
If any items are broken or damaged due to
the children’s actions, the guest must take
responsibility and cover the associated costs.