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    While the primary
    horrors and atrocities in
    Israel occurred on
    October 7, the fallout and
    aftershocks are
    continuing every single
    day. Despite Hamas
    literally videoing,
    promoting, and memorialize their brutal and
    heinous attack using all kinds of media, there are
    still people questioning the scale and depravity
    of the massacre. In response, Israel held a
    stunning session for the international press
    sharing gruesome images of the atrocity so that
    journalists could document in an undeniable
    way what happened. Eylon Levy, an Israeli
    government spokesman, in a video announcing
    the session, said, “As we work to defeat the
    terror organization that brutalized our people,
    we are witnessing a Holocaust denial-like
    phenomenon evolving in real time as people are
    casting doubt on the magnitude of the atrocities
    that Hamas committed against our people, and
    in fact recorded in order to glorify that violence.”
    The infiltration, casualties, number of hostages,
    relentless barrage of rockets, continuous attacks
    from Gaza and from Lebanon are indeed great
    reasons for concern, prayers, effort, and support.
    The world is coming to learn what Israel has
    known for a long time: she is surrounded by
    enemies who seek her utter destruction and
    annihilation. The infamous Hamas charter,
    written in 1988, doesn’t speak of disputed
    territory, it reads like the Protocols of the Elders
    of Zion and calls for a genocide against Jews.
    Hezbollah, Iran and other terror organizations
    and individuals in the West Bank and elsewhere
    speak of “from the river to the sea,” a non-subtle
    euphemism for the destruction of all of Israel.
    The last two weeks have seen countless
    headlines and analyses of the risks of a ground
    invasion, potential implications for the North in
    the event of a full-scale war and the possibilities
    of other nations like Iran or Syria getting
    involved. Indeed, there is so much to worry
    about, work on, daven for, and care about.
    But, here is the thing. While I daven, advocate,
    and lose sleep over the safety and security our
    brothers and sisters right now, I am not worried
    about the long-term future of Israel. Israel is
    incredibly resilient, capable, powerful,
    tenacious, fierce, smart, cunning and strong.
    Israel will persevere, the IDF will triumph, the
    people, though deeply wounded, will bounce
    back. These horrific atrocities have brought the
    people of Israel together, fostered a united
    country and people. (I had the privilege to
    represent our shul and our community this week
    by bringing supplies, goods, toys, hugs, and love
    to IDF soldiers and displaced citizens this week.
    I saw with my own eyes resolve, achdus, and
    energy the likes of which cannot be believed. I
    look forward to sharing more with you about
    this trip in the coming days.)
    The people of Israel have revealed that
    underneath the important, often vociferous
    debate, is a nation of profound faith, unity and
    conviction. Israel will emerge stronger than
    This week’s Parsha is filled with pesukim and

    stories that feel so relevant today: Avraham first
    settling in Israel, Hashem promising the land to
    Avraham and his descendants, the birth of
    Yishmael and the fateful promise about his
    future. One of the central highlights is the Bris
    Bein Habesarim, the “Covenant of Parts,” in
    which Hashem tells Avraham about the destiny
    of his descendants: the slavery and suffering
    they would endure, and the subsequent
    redemption and settlement in Israel. The Torah
    describes how Avraham cut up a calf, a ram, and
    a goat, but בתר לא הצפור ואת – he did not cut the
    turtledove that was part of the covenant. Rashi
    explains that Psukim in Tanach compare other
    nations to calves, to rams, and to goats, and the
    Jewish people are compared to doves. The
    animals representing the other nations were cut
    up, representing their eventual demise. Why
    רֶמֶז שֶׁ י ִּהְיּו י ִשְֹרָאֵל קַי ָּמִין לְעֹולָם ?cut bird the t’wasn
    – To symbolize the promise of the Jewish
    nation’s everlasting future.
    A video clip was circulating this week of an
    address given by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
    zt”l, whose third yahrtzeit is next week. So
    many have expressed how much we miss Rabbi
    Sacks at times like these, and it brought such
    comfort hearing his voice at an AIPAC policy
    conference ten years ago, delivering chizzuk
    with remarks that sound like they could have
    been given this week:
    I have to tell you that what we grew up with,
    “never again,” is beginning to sound like “ever
    again.” And at the heart of it is hostility to Israel.

    Of course, not all criticism of Israel is anti-
    Semitic. But make no mistake what has

    In the Middle Ages Jews were hated because of
    their religion. In the 19th century and the 20th,
    they were hated because of their race. Today,
    when it’s no longer done to hate people for their
    religion or their race, today they are hated
    because of their State. The reason changes, but
    the hate stays the same. Anti-Zionism is the new
    anti-Semitism. …
    Today what is at stake in Israel’s survival is the
    future of freedom itself. Because make no
    mistake, this will be the defining battle of the
    21st century, which will prevail: the will to
    power with its violence, terror, missiles, and
    bombs; or the will to life with its hospitals,
    schools, freedoms, and rights. …
    Every time I visit Israel I find among Israelis,
    secular or religious, an absolute unswerving
    dedication to Moshe Rabbenu’s great command
    Uvacharta Bachayim, “Choose life.” Israel is the
    sustained defiance of hatred and power in the
    name of life because we are the people who
    sanctify life. …
    Judaism is the defeat of probability by the
    power of possibility. And nowhere will you see
    the power of possibility more than in the State of
    Israel today. Israel has taken a barren land and
    made it bloom again. Israel has taken an ancient
    language, the language of the Bible, and make it
    speak again. Israel has taken the West’s oldest
    faith and made it young again. Israel has taken a
    shattered nation and make it live again. Friends,
    let us not rest until Israel’s light shines
    throughout the world, the world’s great symbol
    of life and hope.

    While we must not stop davening, donating,
    supporting and visiting, Israel will ultimately be
    ok. The real question is what will happen next
    for those Jews living outside of Israel? While
    even before October 7, everyone knew about the
    enemies surrounding Israel, few of us truly
    knew how many enemies were living in our
    midst and how, given the opportunity, they
    would boldly and brazenly rear their ugly heads
    and ideas.
    Surely, we thought, taking sides on an issue so
    clear and obvious like supporting innocent
    civilians, elderly, children and women who were
    victims of a series of pogroms and systematic
    murders versus associating with and
    sympathizing with, or full-on endorsing wicked
    and evil terrorists, the choice would be clear.
    Even if one was regularly critical of Israel and
    supportive of Palestinian statehood, surely it
    would be simple to condemn objective atrocities
    and express sympathy for butchered civilians
    and kidnapped hostages.
    Instead, the last two weeks have been an
    enormous wakeup call to Jews of the Diaspora.
    Ivy League universities, once considered
    bastions of intellectualism, centers of
    sophistication, capitals of progress and
    advancement have abandoned their Jewish

    students, failing to protect them from Hamas-
    sympathizing fellow students and professors.

    Long considered spiritually dangerous for Torah
    Jews, college campuses and others are now
    literally dangerous physically for those who
    proudly identify as Jews or supporters of Israel.
    Every day seems to bring new stories that should
    shake us all. An Israeli at Columbia got beaten
    with a stick. Jewish students at Cooper Union
    were locked in a library while a horde of
    threatening students, some encouraged by
    professors, banged on the doors and windows.
    Jews on campuses across the country are being
    threatened, harassed, and physically intimidated,
    while the academics at these institutions issue
    statements about “escalations of violence” at
    best or simply casting Hamas’s atrocities as
    “resistance” and blaming Israel for everything
    that happened on October 7 at worst. One
    professor at a prestigious college gave a
    horrifying speech, captured on video, in which
    he described feeling “exhilarated” watching the
    events of October 7 unfold.
    The images and videos of pro Hamas rallies in
    cities across the US, Europe and around the
    world is shocking, jarring, and downright scary.
    They have included swastikas and actual calls to
    “gas the Jews.” We learned that for some, while
    Black Lives Matter and some other forms of
    prejudice are so serious and have zero tolerance,
    Jewish lives don’t matter and antisemitism is
    open for debate, as organizations purportedly
    devoted to civil rights and justice were
    unashamed to celebrate terrorists who paraglided
    into a rave killing 260 innocent people. We
    experienced a legacy media that abandoned
    journalistic principles and practices, all too
    eager to swallow and regurgitate Hamas
    propaganda without verification or
    We witnessed elected Congresspeople stand
    with the perpetrators over the victims and spread

    a blood libel falsely accusing Israel of striking a
    hospital, actions with real consequences.
    Of course, we have also witnessed
    extraordinary expressions and demonstrations
    of support, from the majority of Congress who
    passionately and compassionately stand with
    Israel, to President Biden who has demonstrated
    enormous support by traveling into a war, asking
    for significant funding for Israel and steadfastly
    supporting Israel’s right to defend herself, to
    zealous advocacy for Israel from many elected
    officials, including those who stand to alienate
    themselves in their parties and caucuses,
    including Congressman Ritchie Torres. We
    have seen billionaires withdraw their funding
    and their longstanding ties with universities and
    institutions that are underserving of them. We
    have experienced media who were moved to
    tears over what happened in Israel.
    Yes, there are reasons to be hopeful and
    optimistic but with all the enemies that Israel
    faces, the safety, security and rights of the Jews
    in the diaspora feel the most vulnerable and
    fragile of any point in my lifetime.

    Of course, the simple answer to the now-
    revealed condition of Jews around the world is

    to move to Israel. Certainly, Israel is our
    homeland, it is our destiny, and now more than
    ever we should recognize it should be part of
    each of our final destinations. Even if we don’t
    live in Israel now, Aliyah must be a question not
    of if, but of when, for all of us.
    However, realistically, just as throughout our
    history there were multiple centers of Jewish life
    and Torah, the likelihood is that the millions of
    Jews living in the Diaspora are not picking up
    and moving tomorrow. So what will be? How
    should we confront the new reality we have
    seen? While spiritually and now physically
    unsafe, are there consequences of having
    universities and college campuses that have no
    Jewish students, nobody to advocate for Israel,
    no representatives of our people? Is there more
    we can do to ensure terrorist sympathizers aren’t
    elected to any office in this country? Is
    cancelling subscriptions to legacy media that
    has a clear bias enough or can more be done to
    hold journalists accountable? And perhaps most
    importantly, have the rallies and people
    despicably tearing down posters of kidnapped
    Jews changed our security considerations at our
    Shuls, schools and Jewish communities? Do we
    continue to trust our outstanding local law
    enforcement and intelligence who protect us or
    does our sobering new reality demand elevated
    security measures for ourselves?
    I don’t have answers to these questions, but
    they need to be consistently spoken about and
    considered. Israel has changed forever, but so
    has the world of those who don’t yet live there