- The practice is to read Parshas Zachor with a minyan from a kosher Sefer Torah on the Shabbos before Purim. If one is unable to do so, they may read from a kosher Sefer Torah without a minyan (without reciting the brachos). If that is not an option, one should have in mind to fulfill this obligation with the Kriyas HaTorah on Purim morning. If that too is impossible, one should have it in mind when reading Parshas Ki Seitzei (in the summer months). If a person feels that they will not remember to have this in mind during the summer months, then an additional reading of Parshas Zachor can be added this year. This should be done on a weeknight (without brachos), so anyone who is unable to leave their homes may participate via Zoom.
- When giving Machatzis Hashekel there is no need to raise the actual coins. One may fulfill the minhag of Machatzis HaShekel by placing paper money in the collection bin. We should keep in mind that this minhag is merely a “zecher l’Machatzis Hashekel” and not the actual mitzvah of Machatzis HaShekel that was performed in the days of the Beis Hamikdash.
- There is some debate among the poskim whether one must eat bread in order to fulfill the obligation of seudas Purim. While the Shulchan Aruch never explicitly requires that meat be eaten for seudas Purim (indeed, Rav Soloveitchik once remarked that according to the Shulchan Aruch a tuna sandwich would suffice), the Rambam writes that the seuda must consist of meat and wine. When Purim falls on Friday, one can fulfill the mitzvah of seudas Purim starting in the morning.
- When Purim falls on Friday, the practice in Yerushalayim is to stop the meal in the middle, cover the bread, and to recite kiddush so that the meal may continue as a seudas Shabbos. However, this practice is not recommended.
- One must complete any meal on erev Shabbos or erev Yom Tov by the beginning of the tenth halachic hour of the day. Therefore, the Purim seudah should be completed on erev Shabbos by that time as well.
- Due to Coronavirus concerns there are those who may be uneasy with receiving food prepared in other people’s homes. Consequently, this year in particular, it is worthwhile to heed the Rambam’s exhortation to spend more on Matanos L’evyonim than on Mishloach Manos.
- One can fulfill the mitzvah of Mishloach Manos by sending the food through a third party. Alternatively, money may be given to a trustworthy person in advance of Purim to be distributed to individuals on Purim.
- There are places with severe restrictions on gatherings of more than ten people, requiring multiple shifts for Megillah reading. It is best to avoid reading the Megillah at night before tzeis hakochavim, unless there are extenuating circumstances. In a case of great need, one may read the Megillah during Bein Hashmashos. If there is an even greater need, one would be allowed to read the Megillah on Erev Purim after plag hamincha. If one has no option to hear the Megillah with a minyan due to these circumstances, if they have a kosher Megillah in their possession and know how to read it correctly, they may do so on their own. If they do not know the reading but would be able to read it correctly while listening to a recording or livestream of a slow reading from one who does know, that would also be effective. If this is not possible, one may rely on the opinions that the mitzvah can be fulfilled over the telephone or via Zoom.
- Eating light snacks after nightfall would be permissible for those who will be attending a later shift for Megillah reading. A full meal should not be eaten until after one hears the reading of the Megillah.
- In those places where gatherings are restricted, they will likely arrange a number of consecutive readings throughout the day. Normally we should wait until sunrise to read the Megillah, but in this situation one may even read the Megillah as early as alos ha’shachar.
- The Megillah should be read in its entirety by one individual. However, in places with many readings, where it will be difficult to find enough people who can learn to read the entire Megillah, it is permissible to divide the Megillah reading among several readers.