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    Someone told

    the Sfas Emes

    zt’l that he has a

    lot of debt. The

    Sfas Emes told

    him, “Pay your

    debts to

    Hashem, and you will be able to pay

    back your debts to your fellow man.”

    “Are you implying that I have to do

    teshuvah and pay back my debts to

    Hashem?” the man asked. The Sfas

    Emes replied, “I was referring to the

          , debts that are stated in the


           -           –

              , For that is the debt of

    all creation: to praise and to thank

    Hashem…’ for all the kindness He

    performs for us. Thank Hashem for

    everything you have, and you will

    have your salvation, and you will be

    able to pay back your debts.” As the

    Tiferes Shlomo (Vayeira) explains

    the pasuk    -       -‘

    1:107), Tehillim(      -     , if

    you praise Hashem for His

    kindness, His kindness will endure

    forever, and you will continue

    receiving Hashem’s kindness.

    Similarly, it states (ibid. ‘       

                       ,(   8:107″

    ,Thank Hashem for His kindness,

    and for the wonders He does for

    people.”      implies that Hashem

    did one chesed for him.         is

    in plural form, which means that

    Hashem did a lot of kindness to

    him. The Shlah the and)         

             ) Chida (Devarim

    Achadim, 32:2) explain -‘       

         if you thank Hashem for one

    chesed that He did for you, will

    Hashem,                  do

    many more.1 The Veitzener Rav

    zt’l explained the words (from the

    brachah before Shemonah      

                -       (Esrei

       ” ,The beloved ones give song

    and praise to Hashem.” The word

          can be read backward and

    forwards (see Baal HaTurim

    Shemos 30:12). This hints that if

    we praise Hashem, Hashem will

    praise us. We can also explain that

    if we praise Hashem for all the

    good things Hashem gives us,

    Hashem will provide us with more.

          , it will come back to us even

    more. Korach was from the most

    respected people in the nation. He

    was a Levi, and he carried the

    aron. But he focused on what

    he didn’t have. If he had

    recognized Hashem’s kindness

    and praised Hashem, Hashem

    would bestow even more

    kindness on him. But he

    focused on what he lacked, and

    that was the root of his


    The Severity of Machlokes

    The Shlah Hakadosh writes,

    “We do not need to discuss the

    severity of machlokes, because

    there are many sefarim that

    discuss it at length. But take

    this rule with you: The sin of

    machlokes is worse than

    avodah zorah…” The Shevet

    Mussar (37:22) states that the

    manna fell almost every day in

    the desert. It even fell on the

    day that bnei Yisroel made the

    egel. But the manna didn’t fall

    on the day Korach made a

    machlokes, because

    machlokes is worse than

    avodah zarah. The Midrash

    (Yalkut Shimoni 218) states:

    “[Nearly] everyone in Achav’s

    generation was an idol

    worshiper, yet they won all

    their wars. This is because they

    didn’t speak lashon hara.

    While, in David HaMelech’s

    generation, even young

    children knew

    T o r a h … b u t

    they went to

    war and lost

    because there

    was lashon

    hara.” The

    Shlah (ibid.)

    quotes this

    Midrash as a

    source that machlokes and lashon

    hara are worse than avodah zarah.

    The Afrakasta d’Anya (165) tells

    that the community of Kempna

    hired Shimon to be their chazan.

    Reb Yosef Shmuel zt’l, the Rav of

    Kempna, vehemently opposed this

    choice. He shouted, “How can

    Shimon be our chazan? He is a baal

    aveirah!” Some sided with the Rav,

    while others wanted to hire

    Shimon. The Kempa community

    was split into two. Reb Yosef

    Shmuel sent a letter to Reb Yosef

    of Posen, seeking his counsel. The

    rav of Posen wrote back, “A tzelem

    [cross] in the Beis HaMikdosh is

    preferred over a machlokes in klal

    Yisrael.” We are surprised when we

    read that machlokes is worse than

    avodah zarah. What could be worse

    than avodah zarah? We need to

    recognize the severity of

    machlokes. Also, in this world,

    there is nothing worse than

    machlokes. The Rambam wrote the

    following letter to his son: “Don’t

    contaminate your soul with

    machlokes, which destroys body,

    soul, and money. I saw families

    perish, cities destroyed,

    communities disintegrate, and

    respected people disgraced, all

    because of machlokes. The nevi’im

    discuss how bad machlokes is, and

    the chachamim added more ideas,

    and they haven’t yet reached its

    ultimate evil. Therefore, hate

    machlokes; run away from it; and

    keep away from all its friends, lest

    you perish.” Reb Chaim Palagi zt’l

    writes, “Since my youth I have seen

    several times that any man or

    woman, family, country, or city

    that was involved in a machlokes,

    both sides didn’t come out clean.

    They were smitten on their bodies

    and their money, rachmanah

    litzlan. Someone who has wisdom

    will think about this and be
