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    May I use
    a warming
    drawer on
    Warming drawers on Shabbos
    is indeed a serious issue. There
    are a number
    of things to
    consider. First of
    all, you have to
    make sure that
    if you’re putting
    cold food into
    the warming
    drawer, that food
    can’t become
    yad soledes bo. That means 120
    degrees. So if your warming drawer
    can heat your food to that point,
    then you have a problem. If it’s not
    able to do that, there is much more
    room to be lenient, especially if

    the food is completely cooked and
    dry. So my basic answer for you is,
    if the food is completely cooked
    and dry and can’t really get to yad
    soledes bo, it’s fine. There is one
    other consideration, and that is
    the dial. When
    we have a blech
    on our stove
    on Shabbos,
    we’re not just
    supposed to
    cover the fire,
    we’re also
    supposed to
    cover the dial.
    So, if there’s a
    way to cover the dial, or even better
    just take out the dial, that would be
    good. If not, you should put a piece
    of tape over the dial as a reminder
    to not, chas v’shalom, move it on
    Shabbos or Yom Tov.

    I cooked something pareve,
    in a dairy pot, and then I
    accidentally served it with
    meat, and everything was
    hot. Do I need to kasher the
    plate and fork, whatever it
    was eaten with?
    It depends. If we’re dealing with
    a non-spicy item, let’s say just a
    regular potato, then although we
    consider the potato that was cooked
    in the dairy pot to be dairy, that
    is just really a stringency. In fact,
    Sephardim would consider it to be
    pareve. They would say one could
    serve it with meat. However, the
    custom of Ashkenazim is to treat
    it as dairy, but that’s only before
    the fact. One should not serve it
    together with meat, but if one did,
    then after the fact, if it’s already
    mixed with meat, we consider it

    to be pareve too, and one could
    eat the food. There’s certainly no
    need to kasher anything or throw
    anything else out. However, if it
    was indeed a spicy food, such as
    an onion that was cooked in the
    dairy pot, that’s a serious question,
    one should consult with a Rabbi. It
    is possible in fact, that one might
    need to kasher or throw out their