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    Can one bake
    an open pan of
    chicken/ meat
    in a hot oven
    after fish was baked in an open
    pan? What about the opposite,
    fish after meat, if both are
    A: The gemara teaches us that mixing fish
    and meat is a sakana (danger). We know of
    course that according to Halacha, one may not
    mix meat and dairy, but the gemara also says
    chamira sakanta me’isuro. This means, that as
    much as we need to be careful about Jewish
    law, we need to be careful about being safe and
    healthy. So, if Chazal taught us that mixing
    meat and milk is dangerous, we certainly need
    to be very careful about mixing meat and fish
    in the same recipe as well. We also need to
    be careful about using the same utensils for
    meat and fish. For example, if someone has a
    fryer that they fried chicken in, they should
    not be using the same oil to fry fish. For that
    reason, many people have a separate pot that
    they cook fish in and don’t cook any meat in.

    That is also why people have the custom to
    drink schnapps after eating fish before eating
    meat; so that there should be a little separation
    between them.
    Cooking meat and fish in the same oven is
    the same concern. If you are cooking fish
    uncovered in the oven, you should not be
    cooking meat uncovered in that oven at the
    same time. If you have one oven that you cook
    fish and meat in, you should either cook one
    of them covered or, if that’s not an option,
    between the cooking of the fish and meat you
    should clean the oven and put it on the highest
    setting for an hour. If you can, you should
    wait 24 hours but if you cannot, put it on the
    highest temperature for an hour.
    Some communities, particularly sefardic, and

    some chassidish communities won’t eat fish
    and dairy together. Dairy obviously is also the
    product of an animal and they are concerned
    that it would be the same issue of mixing a
    product from an animal with fish. This really
    depends on what your custom is.

    Is there a way I can use the
    toaster oven at work to heat up
    A: If you double wrap your food in silver foil,
    you may use your toaster oven at work. If
    using a microwave, make sure to double wrap
    it in saran wrap or wax paper. That is the way
    a kosher meal is served on a plane as well. It
    is double wrapped so it can be heated in the
    non-kosher oven.

    I am staying in a hotel for a few
    days and it has a Keurig coffee
    machine. Can I use it (with a
    kosher K-Cup pod) or is there a
    concern of it not being kosher?
    A: I cannot recommend that you’d be able
    to use a coffee machine in the room unless
    you kasher it. The proper way of kashering
    something is to clean it and wait 24 hours. In
    this case that is impossible, because you are
    not going to wait 24 hours if you want to use
    the coffee machine. What you need to do is
    let it run through a clean cycle and make sure
    there’s some kind of soap present, then run it
    again and you’re good to go.