There is a lot of hype recently about the IMPOSSIBLE BURGER. What is the impossible burger & Is there any problem with eating an impossible burger?
The impossible burger is a plant based burger. There is no meat in the impossible burger and all the ingredients are plant based. The OU certifies the impossible burger as 100% Kosher. There is absolutely no issue in eating the impossible burger from a Kashruth standpoint. However, I have two words of caution. There is a lot of hype going around about Burger King selling the impossible burger. I just said the impossible burger is OU certified, so can you go into Burger King and have an impossible burger? Of course the answer is no because that burger is being prepared on the same grill that was used for the non-kosher meat. Besides the fact that the same equipment is being used, there are other issues, too. Just because the patty itself is certified, it does not allow you to get it from an inherently non-kosher establishment. Furthermore, there’s the Maris Ayin issue. People who are eating the impossible burger with cheese should be careful to make sure that the people they’re eating it with, or the people that are seeing them eat it, should be aware that this is not a real burger.
Are we allowed to cook meat and fish together in the same oven at the same time?
The issue of eating fish and meat is described in Halacha as an issue of Sakana. The Gemara says Chamira Sakenta_Misura; we have to be more concerned about Sakana than Kashruth. So certainly mixing fish and meat should never be done. Now the question is how far are we concerned about the issue of mixing fish and meat, especially if it’s really an area of custom? Some are very concerned and wouldn’t even use the same pot for fish and meat. Some certainly wouldn’t cook fish and meat in the same oven unless one was covered. These are already areas of custom of how far one should be careful in the area of fish and meat, but certainly one should never mix fish and meat. Another example that often comes up is that people often want to have a fryer, very often in a restaurant, to fry both fish and meat in the same oil. That’s something we would definitely never allow.