Yayin Nesech verses Stam Yeinam.
Yayin Nesech does not exist in our times. Yayin Nesech is wine that
was poured for avodah zarah. The wine that you’re buying in the
store, a closed bottle of wine, was obviously not poured for avodah
zarah as it is a closed bottle of wine. There is something known as
Stam Yeinam. Stam Yeinam is kosher wine which is a serious halachic
issue. Therefore, you should only buy wine that has a reliable kosher
Even when you buy wine with a reliable kosher supervision, you need to pay attention
if the wine is mevushal. Wine which is not mevushal, meaning it came into contact with
a non-Jew or a Jew who is not shomer Shabbos, can not be drunk.. So, if somebody,
for example, has non-Jewish help in the house or anything like that, they should only
have in their home yayin mevushal. Another place where yayin mevushal is practical
and a real issue is when someone is
traveling with El AL and they serve
only kosher wine. If the wine is
not mevushal and it’s being served
by someone who is not shomer
Shabbos, then you’re not allowed
to have them pour the wine for
you. You should either choose only
a mevushal wine or ask them if you
could open the bottle and pour the
wine yourself.
When the OU gives hashgacha on non-
cholov Yisroel milk, do they also make sure
that it’s not punctured when the cows are
given medicine or does the hashgacha not
cover that?
No, actually we don’t. Rabbi Belsky felt that it’s not
really a serious issue, the puncturing of the cow, and
we therefore don’t insist on it. The reality is that it’s not
always a problem. It’s a complicated halachic discussion,
but suffice it to say that the OU does not require that with
non cholov Yisroel milk, the cow has not gone through
the procedure of puncturing the cow. Cows that have
that procedure are called a DA cow. We don’t insist that
only DA cows be milked. All the Cholov Yisroel products are non-DA cows.
Could one make a mezonos and al
hamichya on a mezonos roll if it has
the taste of fruit juice?
The taste is not enough, it also has to not look like
a roll. As the saying goes, if it looks like a duck and
it quacks like a duck, then it IS a duck. That’s our
position regarding bread, as well. If it looks that
way, we’re going to require that it be Hamotzi. If it
looks like a piece of cake and it tastes like a piece
of cake, then it’s a mezonos.