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    A pareve soup is made
    with dairy utensils and a
    dairy pot. It’s then warmed
    up using a fleishig bowl
    and a fleishig spoon. What’s the status?

    The halacha is that it’s fine, but you shouldn’t do it. If you
    prepared a parve vegetable soup in a milchig pot and
    now you ate fleishig and you want to eat that soup, do
    you have to wait 6 hours or not? The answer is, if the soup
    is all pareve, even though it was made in a milchig pot, as
    long as the milchig pot was clean, you can eat the soup
    immediately after eating fleishig; you do not need to wait
    6 hours. The example I always give for this question is if
    someone cooked spaghetti in a clean milchig pot and
    now they prepared meatballs for dinner, may you eat
    that spaghetti together with the meatballs? The answer
    is: No. May you eat the spaghetti immediately after the
    meatballs? The answer is: Yes. It goes for cooking pareve
    in a fleishig pot as well; you can’t eat it together with the
    opposite, but you can eat it immediately after.
    In terms of the question you asked, if you made the

    parve soup in a milchig pot and warmed it in a fleishig
    pot, it’s not something you should do, but nothing is
    treif; you don’t have to kasher anything if you did it.

    Bringing Keilim to a Mikvah-Which
    Keilim need to be toiveled? Can I use a
    Keili once or twice before bringing it to
    a mikvah? Do aluminum pans need to
    be brought to a mikvah?
    All keilim that are used directly with food have to be
    brought to the mikvah. That halacha applies to glass
    and metal. Metal is deoraysa and glass is derabanan.
    Earthenware does not have to be toiveled, but how
    do we look at china? China itself is earthenware,
    however it’s glazed and the glaze is glass. It’s a question
    amongst poskim. Some poskim differentiate between
    how glazed it is; if it’s more glazed, it needs tvila. My
    personal opinion is that all china to some degree is
    glazed and therefore should be brought to the mikvah
    without a bracha.
    There is no heter to use it once or twice before toiveling.

    There’s no loophole that I can use it once or twice
    without toveling it. In terms of disposable aluminum
    pans, on one hand they’re made of metal and a vessel
    made of metal needs to be toiveled. On the other hand,
    one can make the argument that it’s truly disposable
    and you’re only going to use it once and there’s no
    obligation to take it to the mikvah. The question is that
    many of us use disposable pans more than once so now
    they’re not “disposable.” What’s the halacha then? There
    are those that take it to the mikvah; most people as far
    as I know do not because it was made to be disposable
    and it can’t be used permanently.