29 Dec Kashruth Questions of the Week
Q: Is there a way I can use the toaster oven at work to heat up food?
A: If you double wrap your food in silver foil, you may use your toaster oven at work. If using a microwave, make sure to double wrap it in saran wrap or wax paper. That is the way a kosher meal is served on a plane as well. It is double wrapped so it can be heated in the non-kosher oven.
Q: I am staying in a hotel for a few days and it has a Keurig coffee machine. Can I use it (with a kosher K-Cup pod) or is there a concern of it not being kosher?
A: I cannot recommend that you’d be able to use a coffee machine in the room unless you kasher it. The proper way of kashering something is to clean it and wait 24 hours. In this case that is impossible, because you are not going to wait 24 hours if you want to use the coffee machine. What you need to do is let it run through a clean cycle and make sure there’s some kind of soap present, then run it again and you’re good to go.