Q: Minhagim like waiting 6 hours between eating meat & milk. Can they be changed?
A: Minhagim should not be changed. Once you start changing family customs, you are on a slippery slope. What really protects klal Yisroel and is the beauty of our people is Mesoros Avoseinu. we keep the customs of our forefathers under all circumstances. Keeping our customs is critical to our destiny. Of course, regarding a woman who marries a man, the halacha is very clear, she should accept her husband’s minhagim. If you come from a family that did not wait six hours between meat and dairy and your husband’s family does wait, you should wait.
If there is a pressing need why you feel that you cannot follow the established custom, you need to go to a rav to be matir neder. This is the only way to do it. All minhagim have the halachic status of a neder (a vow) and must be brought to a Rav with a good reason to be matir the neder. Just to decide that my family until now always waited 6 hours between meat and dairy and now I am changing that minhag is not permissible. You can go to the opposite side and be machmir, but you cannot be meikil (lenient) without consulting a Rav.