28 Apr Kashruth Questions of the Week
Dishwashing Detergent
Do dishwashing detergents require kosher supervision? It is generally assumed that dishwashing detergents are not edible entities, and halachically they do not have a non-kosher status, even if they contain non-kosher ingredients, as is often the case. Nonetheless, some Poskim maintain that it has been the established minhag Yisroel (Jewish custom) to use kosher detergents on plates, pots and utensils that come in contact with food. An OU on a detergent insures the kosher status of that product. That said, if one used non-certified dishwashing detergent, Bidieved (after the fact), the kosher status of the utensils would not be compromised.
Is it permissible to take antihistamines without certification?
First, please remember, that anyone with a life-threatening condition should take whatever medicines are necessary without hesitation. In general, tablets are preferable to liquid medications which may contain problematic ingredients. If no tablet alternative is available, the liquid should be diluted in water, juice or any liquid by a ratio of one to six, which is one ounce of liquid to one teaspoon of medication. This ratio should be done only in consultation with your doctor.
Can I eat at a yogurt or ice cream store that claims it is certified by the OU?
There are many ice cream and yogurt stores bearing the brand name of an OU certified company and/ or that sell OU certified products, however the OU generally does not certify the store itself. In such instances, the OU certification extends only as far as a sealed container bearing the OU symbol. Once the container is opened, the OU can no longer vouch for the kosher integrity of the item. For example, while an opened container of ice cream may bear an OU-D, the kosher status may have been compromised by a scoop that was used previously for non-certified flavors. If the entire store is certified, that will be reflected on the OU letter of certification.