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    Can one clean off
    a throw-up from
    your suit from an
    infant that spit up
    on Shabbos?
    That’s a very complicated question!
    One is not allowed to clean anything
    on Shabbos, and therefore, if your suit,
    or any clothing gets stained, you have
    the issue of cleaning it on Shabbos.
    Therefore, putting water on your suit
    or whatever you’re wearing to clean It
    is not permitted on Shabbos. What can
    be permitted on Shabbos, is scratching
    off the stain on the surface. Also, if you
    pour very little liquid (not enough that
    it can be squeezed out), and you don’t
    rub it or apply any pressure, that is
    permitted. Any other type of cleaning

    is not permitted.

    How does one prepare cereal for a baby on Shabbos?

    When we speak about baby cereal,

    there are many shailos and one should
    do it in a much different fashion on
    Shabbos than during the week. If during
    the week he first puts the cereal and
    then the water or the milk, on Shabbos
    he should do the opposite. Then when
    he comes to stir it, he should stir it in
    an irregular fashion. For example, if
    he normally uses a spoon to stir it, he
    should use the handle part of the spoon
    so there will be a shinui.

    Can one use pampers on Shabbos?

    There are two issues with pampers.
    One is the opening up of pampers,
    and two is the taping of the pampers
    after you put it on the baby. So the
    question is, before you open them, are
    they considered permanently sealed as
    you’re not allowed to open something
    on Shabbos that is permanently sealed.
    The same question applies when you
    close it: Are you permanently sealing
    it? So the best thing to do is anticipate
    how many you’ll need before Shabbos

    and open them
    up in advance of
    Shabbos. In terms
    of taping them
    shut, that’s less of
    a question in my
    opinion. Obviously
    when you put a
    pamper on a baby
    you’re going to
    have to change
    it fairly soon.
    Therefore, it’s not
    really considered
    an act of taping it
    together. So taping
    a pamper I think is
    permitted. Opening
    it up before Shabbos
    would be best, but
    if you didn’t open
    them up before Shabbos, they are not
    really meant to be there permanently.
    They’re manufactured so that they’re
    going to be opened up to be put on the

    baby. Therefore, if you didn’t open

    them up before Shabbos and you need

    them for your child on Shabbos, you

    can open them up on Shabbos.