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    I was once talking to a
    mother in our
    community who has
    several significant
    challenges in her family.
    I asked her an innocuous
    question, something like,
    how are you doing or
    how is your day. Her response has stayed with
    me ever since. She said, “Rabbi, any day
    which ends with the same head count in my
    home as it began is a good day, no matter what
    else is going on.”
    We can sometimes be so caught up in
    insignificant and even significant things going
    on, we forget to be grateful for the simple fact
    of ending the day with the same head count in
    our home as when it began. Tragically,
    October 7 and the last seven months have
    taught us, that isn’t a given.
    Last week we celebrated Lag B’Omer, the
    33rd day of the Omer. Each day of the Omer is
    characterized by another kabbalistic attribute.
    Lag B’Omer is Hod sh’b’hod, the glory of
    glory, reflecting our appreciation of G-d’s
    greatness and glory. The Hebrew word hod can
    be understood as coming from the same word
    as hodu, or modeh, meaning thanks. Lag
    B’Omer is a day characterized as “thankfulness
    within thankfulness,” or a day to celebrate
    The Chassam Sofer, Rav Moshe Sofer says

    that the miraculous mann that fell from Heaven
    began to descend on Lag B’Omer. On the first
    day, the mann was undoubtedly greeted with
    great enthusiasm and appreciation, but as time
    went on and there was an increasing
    expectation the heavenly bread would descend,
    it became much easier to take it for granted
    and to forget to be appreciative for it at all.
    Therefore, Lag B’Omer is a time that we
    identify and say thank you for all of the
    blessings that regularly descend into our lives,
    but unfortunately, like the manna, that we take
    for granted.
    It is so easy to fall into a sense of entitlement
    and to forget to be grateful. Why should I
    thank my children’s teachers? They’re just
    doing their job. Why should I be so appreciative
    to the waiter, or the custodian, or the flight
    attendant? Isn’t that what they are supposed to
    do? When was the last time we said thank you
    to the person who cleans our dirty laundry? Do
    we express gratitude regularly to our spouse
    who shops, cooks dinner, or who worked all
    day to pay for dinner, or in some cases did
    As we celebrate Lag B’Omer, let’s remember
    to say thank you to the people who do
    extraordinary things in our lives. But even
    more importantly, let’s especially express
    gratitude to the people and to Hashem for the
    ordinary things that make our lives so filled
    with blessing, like having the same head count

    in our home at the end of the day.
    There is another theme of Lag B’Omer that is
    particularly relevant this year. The Pri
    Chadash in his commentary on Shulchan
    Aruch asks, why do we celebrate it as a happy
    day? Most would answer, because on that day
    the students of Rebbe Akiva stopped dying.
    But who makes a party because people stopped
    dying? And moreover, they only stopped dying
    because there were none left. Why would we
    celebrate it as a joyous and festive day?
    He answers, we don’t celebrate because the
    dying ended, we are marking what came next.
    Rather than be defeatist or despondent, rather
    than give up or give in, despite all the loss,
    Rebbe Akiva didn’t walk away or close up
    shop. When the funerals were over and the
    shivas concluded, Rebbe Akiva identified five
    new students and he began again. He remained
    optimistic, positive and resolute in forging
    forward with the future of the Jewish people.
    He took the time to mourn and grieve and then
    he began to build again. Lag B’Omer
    celebrates our commitment and resolve to
    continue to light up the world, to dispel the
    darkness, to be true to our mission and our
    purpose, even after horrific loss and tragedy.
    October 7 was the most tragic day for the
    Jewish people since the Holocaust. In the
    months that followed we have buried too many
    of our heroic soldiers who paid the ultimate
    price to defend our people. But like Rebbe

    Akiva, rather than cower or fold, rather than
    flee or give up, the people of Israel and the
    Jewish people as a whole are tenacious and
    determined, fully committed to continue to
    light up the world.
    Like all of the holidays since Simchas Torah,
    each community and individual needs to
    navigate how to observe and experience Lag
    B’Omer while a war rages in our homeland.
    But this year, whether Lag B’Omer for you
    means only omitting tachanun or means a
    bonfire or a tisch, pause to be grateful for what
    we too often take for granted and further
    consider what you can contribute to keep the
    fire of our people burning stronger than ever.