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    For thousands
    of years people
    have engaged
    in inappropriate
    behaviors. Our evil
    inclination was given
    to us when we were
    born. However, in years
    past if one sinned or
    committed a misdeed,
    it did not cause him
    to go off the path, disgrace Hashem, violate
    Shabbos, or intermarry. Today, things are
    different and if one deviates from the path,
    he ends up very far away. Therefore, there
    is a more pressing need to prevent this from
    happening, and mussar is the solution.
    Learning Mussar
    The Gemara in Maseches Kiddushinsays
    that Hashem created an evil inclination and
    created Torah as the antidote. The Birchei
    Yosefsays the antidote referred to in the
    Gemara is learning mussar. If one does not
    learn mussar, he does not know that the
    outside world is tough with many challenges
    to overcome. If one does not know that he is
    in the midst of a war, he won’t know how to
    fight the battle.
    The Mishnah Berurah comments that one
    should make sure to set aside time each day
    to learn mussar.This is also brought down in
    many poskim.
    The Kaf Hachaim mentions that one should
    learn mussar thirty minutes each day before
    learning halachah. The Steipler Gaon zt”l
    would learn mussar for fifteen minutes every
    Some say that learning mussar is more
    important than learning Mishnayos. When
    one advances in his Torah learning, his yetzer
    hara grows as well. One must keep the yetzer
    hara in check by learning mussar.
    Sadly, we see many people who spend a lot
    of time learning Torah, but they lack fear of
    Hashem. The way to counteract this is by
    learning mussar. Without learning mussar
    and fixing their ways, their Torah is not true
    Before beginning a shiur, the Chasam Sofer
    zt”l would learn fifteen minutes of Chovos
    Halevavos with his students.
    The ladder by which one can reach Hashem
    with a clean soul is the learning of mussar. If
    one does not learn mussar, he will not know
    if his actions are correct. He may continue to
    steal, cheat, lie, be haughty, quick to anger,
    and possess other negative character traits.
    However, if one learns mussar then slowly it
    will penetrate his heart and he will become a
    better person.
    The Mishnah says that if one has fear of
    Hashem his wisdom will endure; if he does
    not have fear of Hashem his wisdom will not

    All Beginnings Are Tough
    Although the beginning of one’s efforts to
    learn mussar may be difficult, one should not
    despair and give up. One should also not be
    concerned that learning mussar will cause
    him to become too extreme. The Torah will
    straighten him out and teach him how to
    relate to himself and others.
    The Vilna Gaon on the Importance of
    Learning Mussar
    The Vilna Gaon zt”l devoted part of his sefer
    Even Sheleimah[19] to discuss the importance
    of breaking one’s bad habits. The Vilna Gaon,
    in fact, learned mussar many times a day.
    One’s entire servitude to Hashem depends on
    fixing one’s middos. All sins come from bad
    The main focus of one’s existence on this
    world is to fix his bad traits — if he doesn’t
    do so, why is he alive?
    The Chafetz Chaim’s Opinion
    The Chafetz Chaim zt”l commented that if
    a yeshivah does not have a mussar seder, it
    cannot be called a yeshivah. He further said
    that one must make sure to learn mussar.
    Only through learning mussar will he be
    able to make sure that he doesn’t slip in his
    avodas Hashem. This can be understood with
    a mashal: If there is a strong wind and one is
    walking in the street, if he does not hold on to
    his garments they can fly away and he will be
    left naked. So too, if a person learns Torah but
    does not learn mussar, the winds of society
    around him will blow him away. Therefore, it
    is important for every yeshivah to make sure
    it has a seder in mussar. The Chafetz Chaim
    also said that he spoke to other gedolim who
    may not have been on board with the concept
    of learning mussar when the idea was first
    introduced, but they all agreed that times have
    changed and it is imperative that mussar be
    Which Mussar Sefer?
    There are many excellent sefarim on mussar.
    Gedolei Yisrael have learned many of the
    sifrei mussar, such as Reishis Chachmah,
    Shevet Mussar, Chovos Halevavos, Sha’arei
    Teshuvah, Orchos Tzaddikim, and Mesillas
    Yesharim, to name a few. Many of these
    sefarim have been translated into English.
    One should pick a sefer that “talks” to
    him and to which he can relate.Each sefer
    discusses a different topic. If one feels he
    has to work on his middos, he should learn
    Orchos Tzaddikim; if one wishes to learn
    about teshuvah, he should learn Sha’arei
    Teshuvah. One who is struggling with anger
    should read Erech Apayim. If one has a hard
    time with avoiding speaking lashon hara, he
    should learn sefer Chafetz Chaim on shemiras
    The custom of many gedolim was to make
    sure to have a set time to learn mussar. In

    addition, the custom in most of the
    great yeshivos in Lithuania was
    to set aside time to learn mussar.
    Obviously, care should be taken not
    to spend too much of one’s time on
    Gemara without setting aside any
    time to learn mussar.
    Women and Mussar
    Just as a man should learn mussar,
    so should a woman. The Steipler
    Gaon zt”l suggested that girls
    learn Sha’arei Teshuvah or Orchos
    Tzaddikim. They may learn some
    Pele Yoetz as well. He did not advise
    girls to learn from the Chovos
    Goal of Mussar
    The goal of learning mussar is to change a
    person so that he will act differently in the
    future, and not merely to learn a nice vort. In
    addition, the point of learning mussar is that
    one should realize his life has a goal and is not
    a free-for-all, like the outside world thinks.
    In Place of Learning
    Chayei Adamsays that one should learn
    sefarim that discuss the fear of Hashem
    even if this will cause one to learn less
    Torah. Someone once asked Harav Yisrael
    Salanter zt”l a question: If a person only has
    half an hour a day to learn, should he learn
    Mishnayos, Gemara, or mussar?
    “Learn mussar,” Rav Yisrael responded, “and
    you will see that you will have more time in
    the day to learn.”
    One who learns about the fear of Hashem,
    love of Hashem, and good deeds fulfills the
    mitzvah of learning Torah.
    Some people feel that learning depressed,
    since it highlights a person’s flaws. However,
    if one falls into a depression when he is
    learning mussar, he is not learning mussar in
    the proper manner.
    The Chafetz Chaim said that if one is not
    feeling well and does not wish to eat, he takes
    medicine in order that he should feel better
    and have an appetite. However, taking a lot of
    medicine all day is not ideal. Similarly, a bit
    of mussar should be learned every day.
    Learning mussar will arouse one’s heart to
    do the right thing. Without learning mussar,
    one will not know how to refrain from bad
    The difference between one who learns mussar
    and one who does not is like the difference
    between day and night. Once cannot fix his
    middos without learning mussar, and he will
    have no hope of fixing himself.
    Mussar as a Prelude to Torah
    When one leaves this world he is asked many
    questions, such as whether he was honest in
    business and whether he set aside time to

    learn Torah. However, if one did not have fear
    of Hashem nothing will help him. One thing
    Hashem asks from us is to fear Him.
    The Meiri says that if one does not have fear
    of Hashem, it is better if he does not learn
    Torah. Rashi writes that the Torah is a gate for
    one to acquire fear of Hashem.
    The Rambam opines that Torah is only found
    by one who is humble, implying that one has
    to work on himself before he can acquire
    The Orchos Tzaddikim mentions that having
    fear of Hashem will strengthen all of a
    person’s other middos.
    Learning mussar is important since without
    fear of Hashem, which one gains by learning
    mussar, his Torah wisdom will not endure.
    Controlling Desires
    Much of our behavior that needs fixing stems
    from desire. We daven every day in Elokai
    Netzor (at the end of Shemoneh Esrei) that
    our hearts be open to Torah, which helps
    us avoid desiring other things. We have to
    make sure to control our desires in any way
    possible, since desire for the wrong thing can
    lead to forbidden actions.
    If one truly wishes to climb the ladder of yiras
    Shamayim, he must learn mussar.
    How to Learn Mussar
    Learning mussar once in a while is not
    sufficient, since one has to be inspired to
    change. Learning once in a while will not
    have an effect on a person.
    Even when one finishes learning a specific
    sefer, he should not hesitate to learn it over
    and over again.
    When Leaving Yeshivah
    When in yeshivah, bachurim and avreichim
    learn in depth and with energy, writing
    chiddushei Torah and so on. When they leave
    the yeshivah to enter the outside world, in
    some cases one would never know they had
    ever learned in a yeshivah — and the reason
    for this is the lack of a mussar seder.
    Learning Mussar on Shabbos
    One is allowed to learn mussar on Shabbos
    even if it will make him sad.