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    In this issue we
    will discuss the
    halachos nine
    days. During the
    nine days we are
    not allowed to do
    many more actions
    than those that are
    customarily not
    done from Shivah Asar B’Tammuz
    through during the time before Rosh
    Chodesh Av. Issues such as painting,
    buying clothing, showering,
    swimming, cutting nails, eating
    meat, washing clothing many other
    halachos will be discussed in this
    issue. (Please note: Hhaircuts,
    Wweddings, Mmusic and reciting
    a Shehecheiyanu apply complete
    three- week period, and we will not
    be discussing them in this issue.)
    The Source
    The Gemara mentions that one is
    not allowed to learn Torah, Nevi’im,
    Kesuvim, Mishnah, and Aggadah.
    This is recorded in halachah as well.
    There are two reasons given for this
    restriction. One reason is that Torah
    gladdens the heart, as the pasuk
    sayd Pikudei Hashem misamchei
    lev.” The Maharsha says that
    this is why children may not learn
    Torah. However, the reason for
    adults associated with Tishah B’Av
    takes one’s mind off the aveilus

    Aruch Hashulchan explains this as
    follows: When learning Torah, one
    has joy, and also the discomfort in
    trying to figure out what the Torah
    is saying. The main learning of
    Torah is joy, even if there is a little
    The discomfort of learning the sad
    things allowed on Tishah that B’Av
    (see below), outweighs apply to the
    the joy, so one is allowed to learn
    these topics on Tishah B’Av.
    One is allowed to read kinos, Iyov,
    and the bad things expressed in
    Yirmiyah. One is permitted to learn
    Midrash Eichah and the chapter
    of elu migalchim in Moed Kattan
    which discusses aveilus. One may
    learn the story of the second Beis
    Hamikdash, as well as the story of
    the and destruction found in the end
    of Yerushalmi on Ta’anis, and the
    accounts of the destruction of the
    Beis Hamikdash such as that of
    Josephus. Anything to the which
    is said in the normal course of
    davening may be said on Tishah
    B’Av as well. Included in this is
    korbanos (Parshas Tamid), Eizehu
    Mekoman, and Rabbi Yishmael.
    A ba’al korei can look over the
    leining before he Gemara, Midrash,
    Halachos, leins it on Tishah B’Av.
    Krias Shema and birchos Krias
    Shema are also permitted. Stories
    of righteous people may be read.
    One is allowed to study the kinos
    recited on Tishah B’Av. Even
    when pasuk says, Pikudei learning
    permitted topics, if there are
    pesukim of consolation one needs
    to skip them. Mussar sefarim may
    be studied on Tishah B’Av in is
    that learning topics not order to
    arouse the heart to do teshuvah
    and improve oneself. Based on
    this, tens of and focus of the day.
    The thousands of people all over
    the world watch the Chofetz
    Chaim Heritage Foundation video

    and other such videos on Tishah
    B’Av.Even while learning the
    permitted topics, it should not be
    done in depth. The custom is to
    permit learning the topics which
    are allowed on Tishah B’Av even
    with a chavrusa, or through public
    lectures, classes etc.
    Other Non-Permitted
    Learning Tehillim should not be
    recited unless one is doing so for
    a sick person and recites Tehillim
    every day. A dayan should not
    monetary issues if it can wait until
    after Tishah B’Av.
    There is a discussion if children
    B’Av. Although the children
    may not feel the joy of learning
    Torah, it is still forbidden to teach
    children (even permitted topics),
    because of the joy of the teacher
    in teaching Torah. Others allow an
    adult to teach the permitted topics.
    Some twelve who does not derive
    joy from learning may study any
    Torah topic. twelve and above may
    not learn non-permitted topics by
    themselves since it brings joy.
    There are some who maintain
    learning if the topic is not on the
    permitted list. Although thinking
    is not considered like talking, one
    feels joy while thinking in learning.
    Writing – Typing
    According to some poskim one is
    not allowed to write down Torah on
    Tishah B’Av from non-permitted
    topics. Writing permitted topics is
    not an issue.
    Obligation to Learn or No
    There is a discussion in the poskim
    if one has an obligation to learn the
    permitted topics on Tishah B’Av,
    or perhaps there is no obligation
    to learn even the permitted topics

    since all other areas of Torah are
    not pasken a question regarding
    allowed. Some maintain that
    once one read Krias Shema in the
    morning, there is no obligation
    to learn the permitted topics.
    However, can learn Torah on Tishah
    most other poskim disagree with
    this. Obviously, even according
    to the ones who hold there is no
    obligation to learn, if one does learn
    the permitted topics he gets reward
    like learning Torah.
    Erev Tishah B’Av The opinion of
    some is that maintain that a child
    under after chatzos (midday) on
    Erev Tishah B’Av one should only
    learn the topics which are Children
    age permitted. In general, refraining
    from learning after chatzos on Erev
    Tishah B’Av is only a chumra.
    Tishah B’Av That Falls on
    that one may not think in In
    addition, if Tishah B’Av falls out
    on Shabbos and is pushed off until
    Sunday, Pirkei Avos is not recited.
    The reason for this restriction is
    that when one learns he will think
    about it afterwards on Tishah B’Av
    itself. Others question how it is
    possible to forbid Torah on Erev
    Tishah B’Av if we eat during this
    time. We can eat meat on Shabbos
    when Tishah B’Av is pushed off,
    so why is learning more stringent?
    Therefore, they permit learning on
    Shabbos after chatzos when Tishah
    B’Av falls out on Shabbos.