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    During the days and
    weeks before Purim the
    mail is full of letters
    requesting matanas
    l’evyonim. In this
    issue we will discuss
    which people one has
    to give to, how much
    to give, when to give
    and other relevant
    halachos pertaining to

    this mitzvah.
    The Source
    The posuk in the Megilah is the source of the
    mitzvah to give matanas l’evyonim on Purim.
    This means that one has to give “matanas”
    to two people, which in essence means that
    one has to give one matana to each of two
    poor people. The more that one gives to poor
    people on Purim the more fortunate he is.4
    One should give more money to the poor on
    Purim than he spends for mishloach manos
    or the seuda. One who gladdens the hearts of
    these unfortunate people is comparable to the
    shechina’s presence.
    One of the basic reasons for the mitzvah of
    giving matanas l’evyonim is in order to make
    poor people happy on this day when everyone
    else is happy.7
    Giving Generously
    Aside from the minimum requirement of the
    mitzvah of matanas l’evyonim, one should go
    a step further and give to anyone who sticks
    out a hand on Purim. However, it should be
    pointed out that this only refers to poor people
    who are collecting for themselves and not to
    groups or people who are collecting for other
    people. The poskim say that one may even
    give to a non-Jew because of darchei sholom.
    Although others say that the custom is not to
    give to non-Jews, but one who has the custom
    to do so may continue with it.
    What’s Considered Money?
    Check- The poskim maintain that giving a
    check to a poor person fulfills the mitzvah
    of matanas l’evyonim. Some say one should
    make sure that either the bank is opened or
    he can get something with the check i.e. food.
    Others say that there is no reason for the bank
    to be opened in order to fulfill the mitzvah,
    but he should be able to buy something.
    Some poskim say that one is permitted to
    give a post-dated check as well.However,
    the custom is not to give a post dated check
    for the mitzvah of matanas l’evyonim. Some
    poskim say the same would apply to one who
    gives a check but does not have the funds to
    cover the check. However, if one will have
    funds when the poor person cashes the check
    then it is permitted. One may use a credit card
    for matanas l’evyonim if it will be processed
    by Purim.
    Money which can not be spent in the country
    it is given in can not be used for the mitzvah
    of matanas l’evyonim.
    Food- The opinion of many poskim is that one

    does not have to give money in order to fulfill
    the mitzvah of matanas l’evyonim, and one
    is permitted to give anything which the poor
    person will benefit from.
    Switching Meals
    One who gives a seuda to his friend and his
    friend gives him a seuda to his friend then
    they were both yotzei matanas l’evyonim.
    Who Are Obligated?
    Women – women are obligated in this mitzvah.
    Although some say a married woman is yotzei
    the obligation when her husband gives, one
    should not rely on this,and instead she should
    ask her husband for money and give on her
    own.A man can give to a poor woman and a
    woman can give to a poor man.Additionally
    when giving money for one’s wife he should
    tell the gabbai to be koneh the money for his
    wife and give it for her.
    Poor Person- A poor person is obligated to
    give matanas l’evyonim from the money
    which he receives.
    Children- A child should be trained in this
    mitzvah and his father should either give him
    money to give to the poor,31 or the father
    should tell the child that he is giving on his
    How Much to Give
    The opinion of the Ritva is that one may
    give a pruta (a minimal amount) for matanas
    l’evyonim.Others say that one should give
    the amount that the poor person will be able
    to buy a seuda with.Others say it should be a
    chasuva amount.The opinion of Horav Moshe
    Feinstein zt”l is that one should give one
    dollar.However, this opinion was expressed
    many years ago, and today one can not buy
    much with that amount. One should give the
    amount of money that one can buy a bagel
    with cream cheese, and a coffee. Horav
    Elyashiv Shlita is quoted as saying that one
    can give fifty shekalim (in Eretz Yisroel).It is
    praiseworthy to give small amounts of money
    to many poor people instead of a lot of money
    to fewer people.
    From Masser Money
    Since the mitzvah of giving matanas
    l’evyonim is an obligation, one may not give
    the ikkur obligation of matanas l’evyonim
    from one’s masser money. However, if one
    will be giving to more than one poor person
    then he may use his masser money for the
    other recipients.
    Eating Before Sending Matanas L’evyonim
    There are some poskim that say one should
    not eat (a substantial amount of food, tasting
    is permitted) before performing the mitzvah
    of matanas l’evyonim. However, most
    poskim say that one is permitted to eat before
    the mitzvah is performed. The reason for this
    leniency is because one will not forget to
    send the matanas l’evyonim. Horav Moshe
    Feinstein zt”l said one can give matanas
    l’evyonim before the reading of the megilah
    (by day). Others give it before davening.

    Mishloach Manos First or
    Matanas L’evyonim?
    Many say that one should
    give matanas l’evyonim
    before giving mishloach
    manos. Others maintain that
    mishloach manos should
    be given before matanas
    l’evyonim since mishloach
    manos is stated first in the
    posuk. One who does not
    have enough money for both
    mitzvahs should give matanas
    Sending before Purim
    Many times ones sends a check in the mail
    before Purim and it reaches the poor person
    after Purim. The poskim say that in order for
    one to fulfill the mitzvah properly one should
    make sure that the poor person receives the
    money on Purim because of a concern that the
    poor person will use the money before Purim.
    One who will be sending to many poor people
    can send the money even if it reaches the poor
    person before Purim. If the poor person has
    the money one was yotzei and there is no
    difference if the poor person actually used
    the money of the seuda or not.

    Classifying a Poor Person
    The opinion of some is that an “evyon” is
    different than a poor person and one only
    has an obligation to give an “evyon” on
    Purim. A poor person is someone who has
    embarrassment to ask for money, and an
    “evyon” does not have embarrassment. The
    accepted opinion is that any poor person may
    be given money on Purim. Some say a poor
    person in this regard, means one who does not
    have a steady salary and cannot support his
    family. Others say that one since it is not
    common to find a person who does not have
    money for a seuda, one can give for hachnasas
    kallah, health etc. A son who is being
    supported by his parents is not a poor person
    and one cannot give him matanas l’evyonim.
    There is a discussion in the poskim whether a
    husband and wife can qualify as two separate
    people in regard to matanas l’evyonim.
    Using a Messenger
    There is no need for one to hand the money
    to the poor person by himself, rather he
    may use a messenger for this purpose The
    Aruch Ha’shulchan says one can appoint a
    messenger before Purim to give for him on
    Giving Money to Poor People in Eretz Yisroel
    Recently it has become the custom to give to
    poor people in Eretz Yisroel. What happens
    is that whatever pledges are given in America
    someone in Eretz Yisroel lays out the money
    until he is reimbursed. According to the
    view of the Aruch Ha’shulchan mentioned
    above it would seem that one is not yotzei
    since the messenger was not made on Purim.
    Nonetheless, the custom is to be lenient.

    Money to Rabbbeim
    The Aruch Ha’shulchan maintains that one
    should give money on Purim to all people
    who are involved in klei kodesh. When giving
    money to Rabbeim etc one is not yotzei the
    mitzvah of matanas l’evyonim. One can use
    masser money for this purpose.
    If the poor person said that he is mochel the
    money, the giver was not yotzei the mitzvah
    of matanas l’evyonim.
    Day or Night
    The main time to give matanas l’evyonim is
    on the day of Purim and not the night before,
    one who gave it at night was yotzei according
    to some poskim. If one will be giving to
    more than one person then one may give the
    matanas l’evyonim at night as well. When
    groups come collecting at night after the
    Purim seuda there is no mitzvah of matanas
    l’evyonim at that time. Giving to them is still
    a mitzvah of tzedaka. One should give the
    matanas l’evyonim before shekiah on Purim
    Different Time Zones
    When money is distributed by people in
    America for poor people in Eretz Yisroel it
    is very often done when it is early morning
    in Eretz Yisroel and at night in America. It is
    unclear why this is permitted. It could be that
    the permissibility of this would depend on the
    question if one is allowed to give matanas
    l’evyonim before Purim. If an American who
    observes Purim on the fourteenth gives money
    to a Jew in Eretz Yisroel who observes Purim
    on the fifteenth, he has fulfilled his obligation
    if the poor person still has the money in his
    possession on the fifteenth.
    Forgiving a Debt
    If a poor person owes money, one is not
    yotzei the mitzvah of matanas l’evyonim if
    he is mochel the debt and does not give him
    other money for Purim.
    Knowing Who Gave the Money
    In many cases when one gives money to a
    poor person on Purim it is done through the
    mail. The poskim address the question if the
    poor person has to know who sent him the
    The opinion of the poskim is that the poor
    person does not need to know who is giving
    the money and the giver is yotzei in any case.