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    The Torah mentions
    several times that the
    purpose of all the miracles connected with
    Yetziat Mitzrayim was
    to demonstrate the existence of Hashem, his power, and all
    the principles of our faith to the Jewish
    people. Pesach was designated as the
    Yom Tov of Emunah and the matzah
    is called, “the food of emunah”, by the
    Zohar. Shavuot is the Yom Tov of receiving the Torah.
    The “Kedushat Levi” points out
    the contrast between the two Yomim Tovim: 1. On Pesach we may
    not even possess any chametz, as opposed to Shavuot which is the one and
    only time in the year that a korban isbrought from chametz, The Talmud c
    onsiders the “shtei halechem”brought
    on Shavuot as a more elegant korban
    because of the fact that it consists of
    chametz. 2. The “minchat haomer”
    brought on Pesach is most unusual as
    it consists of barley grain, as opposed
    to almost all other minachot, including
    the “shtei halechem”, which all come
    from wheat. Barley is usually used to
    feed the animals, as opposed to wheat,
    which is traditionally used for human
    It may well be that these contrasts
    are due to the differences between
    the themes of the two Yomim Tovim.
    Pesach represents emunah, and regarding our understanding of Hashem we
    must all have the attitude that, “if I really understood Him, I would be Him”
    (Kuzari). None of us can really understand any aspect of Elokut. Our understanding is compared to that of the
    animals (see Tehillim 73:22, and 42:2;
    Tanya Chapter 18). The “omer” korban on Pesach must consist of maachal
    beheima to emphasize this idea. No
    chametz is permitted at all since matzah represents elementary simplicity,
    while chametz represents sophistication. On Shavuot when we celebrate
    Torah learning the “shtei halechem”
    korban should be maachal adam representing the idea that we were commanded to use our human intelligence
    to the best of our ability to delve into
    the study of the Torah. That korban
    must be made into chametz, representing the sophistication one should attain
    in Torah learning.
    But, sophistication is not necessarily a trait that we want to develop in
    regards to emunah. The Chasid Yavetz
    (who was among the Jews who were
    expelled from Spain in 1492) wrote
    that he noticed the percentage of Jews
    who converted to Christianity to save
    their lives was much higher among
    those who were philosophers than
    among the peshutei haamwho adhered
    to an emunah peshutah.
    If one delves deeply into Torah
    learning his faith will neither remain
    simplistic nor primitive. Our tradition
    teaches us that the Torah is a description of Elokut. (This is the meaning of
    the concept of “mashal hakadmoni”
    See Rashi on Shemot 21:13.) Moshe
    Rabbeinu was the only prophet to
    whom the Torah was revealed, and
    this is referred to by the Torah as his,
    “having had a glimpse of the image of
    Hashem.” (Bamidbar 12:8). The best
    way to develop a love of Hashem is by
    learning His Torah. (See Rashi on Devarim 6:6). By gaining Torah knowledge and developing a sophisticated
    approach to Torah, which is a description of Elokut, we come to understand
    Him better and our emunah becomes