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    The Divrei Shmuel
    had a gabbai named
    Reb Yisrael Zalman
    Shelovsky. One day,
    the Divrei Shmuel said
    to his gabbai, “I need
    two hundred rubles.
    Please bring me two
    hundred rubles.” The
    gabbai was poor and
    didn’t understand why
    the rebbe asked him to
    get him the money and
    not one of his wealthy
    chasidim. But the
    Rebbe’s request was
    sacred to him, and he
    went to the Rebbe’s
    chasidim, told them of
    the rebbe’s request, and eventually gathered
    the two hundred rubles that the rebbe
    Two years later, the Rebbe once again told
    Reb Shelovsky that he needed two hundred
    rubles. Once again, the gabbai collected that
    amount from the chasidim and gave the
    money to the Rebbe.
    Two years later, this story happened again.
    One day, Reb Shelovsky told the Rebbe that
    his daughter was about to get married, and he

    didn’t have money for the chasunah.
    The Divrei Shmuel stood up, opened a safe,
    and took out six hundred rubles. “This is the
    money you collected and brought to me. You
    can have it for your daughter’s chasunah.”
    The Divrei Shmuel explained, “I knew that
    you weren’t able to put away money for your
    children’s chasunos, so I asked you, three
    times, to give me two hundred ruble. Now you
    have money to marry off your daughter.”
    The Divrei Shmuel added that Hashem does
    the same. He wants us to be ready for the next
    world, so Hashem gives us small experiences
    of yesurim in this world, and we come to the
    next world prepared and clean.
    Note that the Divrei Shmuel asked his gabbai
    to bring him the money because he knew he
    would pass the test. Similarly, be aware that
    whenever Hashem tests you, that means He
    believes you can pass it. Hashem doesn’t test
    us beyond our capabilities.
    A student in the yeshiva of the Rebbe Reb
    Zusha received a message that his mother was
    just niftarah, and he should rush home to be at
    the levayah. The bachur cried, fainted, and he
    had no peace of mind. He wasn’t capable of
    receiving this devastating message. Rebbe
    Zusha told him, “You don’t have to go home.
    Your mother is alive.” And indeed this was so.
    A half a year later, once again a messenger

    came and said that his mother was
    niftarah. This time, the bachur
    accepted this bitter message with
    yishuv hadaas. Rebbe Zusha told
    him, “Go home for the levayah.
    This time it is true.” And indeed,
    this time, it was true.
    Rebbe Zusha explained that it
    wasn’t ruach hakodesh. “It is just
    that when Hashem tests someone,
    he gives him the strength to stand
    up to the test. You were so bitter
    the first time; the test was beyond
    you, so I knew it couldn’t be true.
    The second time, you could hear the sad news,
    and therefore I figured that it was true this
    The “Yanuka” Rebbe of Karlin-Stolin (1869-
    1922) once saw that one of his wealthy
    chassidim was distressed and worried because
    he heard that a ship carrying his merchandise
    sunk in the sea. The Rebbe told him, “Don’t
    worry. Your ship didn’t sink.”
    The chassid calmed down, and later he heard
    that, indeed, a different ship had sunk, and not
    the one that was carrying his merchandise.
    The Rebbe explained, “It wasn’t ruach
    hakodesh. It is just that Hashem doesn’t test
    someone beyond his abilities. I saw that you
    couldn’t manage this test, so I understood that

    it wasn’t your ship that sunk.”
    This week’s parashah discusses an eved ivri (a
    Jewish slave working for another Yid). When
    the yovel year arrives in the middle of his
    term, he is permitted to go free. Chazal tell us
    that in our times, there is no such thing as an
    eved ivri because there can’t be an eved ivri
    without the opportunity to go free on yovel.
    We can explain this because Hashem doesn’t
    test us with tests beyond our ability. The Torah
    understands that for the sanity and well-being
    of the slave, he needs to hope for redemption.
    In our time, when yovel isn’t a source of
    salvation, the eved ivri wouldn’t be able to
    hope for freedom. The Torah says that he can’t
    be a slave. Therefore, Hashem won’t test the
    eved ivri with tests beyond his ability to pass.