Towards the end of
his life, the Imrei
Emes zt’l said, “When
I was young, there
were many sections of
the Torah and aspects
of avodas Hashem that I
planned to get to
later in my life. But
now I know that
whatever one
doesn’t grasp in his
younger years, he
will never end up
getting.” Therefore,
there is no time like
the present.
Sometimes people say, “I can’t Torah
study in this place.” They say that this
beis medresh, yeshiva, neighborhood,
etc., isn’t conducive for studying Torah.
They are mistaken because every place
is conducive for Torah study.
Reb Yisrael Salanter zt’l proves this
from mattan Torah. The Torah was given
in the desert – and not in Eretz Yisrael.
Furthermore, we don’t know precisely
where Har Sinai is located. This teaches
us that the place isn’t important. Every
place is a good place to learn Torah.
Some people say that the time isn’t ideal
for them to study Torah. Either they are
busy, or they just started the day “on the
left foot.” They just want the day to pass,
with the hope that tomorrow will be a
better day. People also blame their
parnassah for not allowing them to
devote time to Torah study.
Reb Yisrael Salanter zt’l disproves this
concept, too, from mattan Torah. There
is a machlokes whether the Torah was
given on the 6th or the 7th of Sivan. This
means we don’t know precisely when
the Torah was given. Furthermore, the
Torah never tells us an exact date for
Shavuos (other than that it is fifty days
after the second day of Pesach). Unlike
all other holidays, no date is stated for
Shavuos. This is because the exact day
doesn’t matter; every day is a good day
for Torah.
Reb Chaim Volozhiner zt’l asked
someone why he doesn’t set aside time
to study Torah. The man replied that he
is busy working, and he doesn’t have
time for Torah study.
Reb Chaim Volozhiner told him that he
is speaking like the nations of the
world. Hashem offered them the Torah,
and each nation replied that the Torah
laws don’t let them live.
When Hashem offered the Torah to
Edom, and they heard that the Torah
prohibits murder, Edom said, “Our
forefather, Eisav, received the brachah,
to live by the sword. If we accept the
Torah, how will we live?” Similarly, all
nations said that if they accept the Torah,
they won’t be able to live.
Reb Chaim Volozhiner told him, “You’re
saying the same thing because you’re
saying that if you accept the yoke of
Torah, you won’t have parnassah, and
you won’t be able to survive!”
When one owns cattle, he can decide
when he wants to shecht the animals –
either immediately or in the future. There
is no rush. But when it comes to milking
a cow, he must milk the cows every day,
or the milk will be lost. There’s a custom
to eat milichigs on Shavuos. Perhaps this
is to remind us to grab every opportunity
for Torah and mitzvos.
The Gemara (Shabbos 88.) tells that
Hashem raised the mountain over the
Jewish nation and said, “If you don’t
accept the Torah, “You will be buried
there.” The question is: It should have
stated, “You will be your burial here.”
Why does it say “there?”
Reb Chaim Shmuelevitz zt’l answered
that the Gemara is hinting that if a person
will say “When I get “there” I will start
learning Torah…” or “When times are
better, I will devote myself to Torah” the
attitude of “there” (pushing things off
until he gets “there”) will bury him.
Instead, he should grab the reins of his
life and devote himself to studying
Torah. There is no time like the present.