P a r a s h a t
Beh a a l o t e c h a
begins with the
Misva of the
Menorah, which
was kindled by the
Kohen each
afternoon in the Bet Hamikdash. The Torah
outlines the basic requirements of this Misva,
and then concludes, “Va’ya’as Ken Aharon” –
“Aharon did so.” Meaning, Aharon, the Kohen
Gadol, complied with this command and
kindled the Menorah as he was commanded.
Rashi, commenting on this verse, writes that
the Torah here gives praise to Aharon “She’lo
Shina” – because he did not deviate from
Hashem’s command. This is the meaning of
“Va’ya’as Ken Aharon” – that Aharon is
praiseworthy for doing as he was told and not
deviating from Hashem’s instructions. The
question naturally arises as to why Aharon
was deserving of special praise for complying
with this command. If we were given an
explicit command from Hashem, wouldn’t we
eagerly abide? Moreover, Aharon was not just
given a command, but also blessed with a
special privilege, of being the first one to ever
kindle the Menorah in the Mishkan. Is it not
obvious that he would do as he was told? Why
does he deserve special praise for fulfilling the
command of the Menorah? To answer this
question, we might observe the way a Bar
Mitzva boy approaches the Misva of Tefillin
after his Bar Mitzva. When he puts them on
for the first time, he is overjoyed and takes
special pride in his new pair of Tefillin. He
lovingly places the box on his arm, recites the
Beracha and wraps the strap. Gradually,
however, the excitement wanes, and just a
year or so later, he puts on his Tefillin
thoughtlessly, hardly even thinking about the
fact that he is fulfilling a Biblical command.
This is what naturally happens when we grow
accustomed to something. The initial
excitement and enthusiasm gradually
diminishes, and we perform the action
perfunctorily, without much feeling or
emotion. The Sages cited by Rashi praise
Aharon “She’lo Shina,” which literally means,
“because he did not change.” The enthusiasm
with which he kindled the Menorah the first
time remained throughout the years. Each and
every time he performed the Misva, he did it
with the same excitement and awe with which
he had kindled the lamps the first time. How
we do follow Aharon’s example? How can we
retain some level of excitement and
enthusiasm for the actions we perform each
and every day, such as prayer, Berachot, Sisit
and Tefillin? The answer is that we must
recognize what a privilege each and every
Misva is. Imagine if we were asked to do a
certain favor for the President of the United
States every week. Wouldn’t we relish the
opportunity? Wouldn’t we approach it with
vigor and excitement, and carefully attend to
every detail? And wouldn’t we do the favor
even if we felt tired or a bit under the weather?
After all, when presented with such a
privilege, who would let a little lethargy or the
flu get in the way? Hashem is far more
powerful and important than the President,
than any head of state or person on earth. Each
day, He graciously gives us the privilege of
serving Him, speaking with Him, and doing
what He wants. The more we recognize what a
precious opportunity each Misva is, the greater
excitement and enthusiasm we will invest in
our Misvot, and the more meaningful and
fulfilling they will be.