The Haftara read for
Parashat Behukotai
is a prophecy from
Sefer Yirmiyahu,
and contains the
famous verse,
“Baruch Ha’geber Asher Yibtah B’Hashem,
Ve’haya Hashem Mibtaho” – “Blessed is the
man who trusts in G-d, and G-d shall be His
source of trust” (Yirmiyahu 17:7).
Different interpretations have been given
for the difficult phrase “Ve’haya Hashem
Mibtaho.” One explanation is that Hashem
becomes a reliable source of trust for those
who place their trust in Him. If “Yibtah
B’Hashem” – a person trusts G-d, then
“Ve’haya Hashem Mibtaho” – G-d will come
through for that individual, and care for him
under all situations.
However, Rav Moshe David Vali (Padua,
Italy, d. 1777), in his commentary to the
Haftarot, explains this verse differently. He
writes that many people trust G-d, but also
trust other people or things. Many of us, for
example, indeed believe that Hashem is the
one who provides our needs, but at the same
time, we place our trust in our jobs, our bank
account, our investments, our businesses, a
client, a product, and so on. The prophet here
speaks of a person “Asher Yibtah Be’Hashem”
– who not only places his trust in Hashem, but
“Ve’haya Hashem Mibtaho” – he places his
trust exclusively in Hashem, relying only on
Him, and not on anyone or anything else.
The prophet compares such a person to a
tree that is planted near large springs of
water from which its roots draw sustenance,
such that “Bi’shnat Basoret Lo Yid’ag” – it
is not worried during periods of drought.
Rav Avraham Pam (1913-2001), in his work
on the Haftarot, notes that this description
characterizes somebody who has complete
faith in Hashem – he is never worried or
anxious. Generally, Rav Pam writes, people
feel anxious about things which they cannot
control. And when they are unable to control
something relevant to them, they become
frustrated and angry. One who lives with
true Bitahon, however, knows that in any
event, everything in his life and in the world
is controlled solely by G-d. He trusts that
everything is under G-d’s control and no one
else’s, and that G-d is always caring for us, no
matter how difficult or hopeless the situation
Rav Pam adds that one of the special
qualities shared by all great Torah sages is
their constant peace of mind and serenity.
Every day, vexing questions are brought to
them, and people facing difficult and painful
problems come to them seeking their counsel.
And yet, despite hearing of all the hardships
in Am Yisrael, they are always level-headed
and calm. Even when they are beset by
personal problems, they maintain their peace
of mind. This special ability stems from their
Bitahon, from their firm belief that everything
is in Hashem’s hands, and He is always doing
what is best for us.
Let us all strive to reach the level of “Bi’shnat
Basoret Lo Yid’ag,” where we do not worry
about or fret over difficult situations that arise
over the course of life. Let us instead ensure
that “Ve’haya Hashem Mibtaho” – we place
our trust solely and exclusively in Hashem,
and in no one and nothing else, so that we can
enjoy serenity and peace of mind at all times,
no matter what problems or hardships we are