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    In Parashat Debarim,
    Moshe recounts several
    of Beneh Yisrael’s
    experiences as they
    traveled through the
    desert, including the time when they prepared
    to journey along the border of Edom, the
    nation that descended from Esav, the brother
    of Yaakob Abinu. G-d commanded Beneh
    Yisrael not to initiate hostilities against
    Edom, because they were not entitled to
    Edom’s territory “Ad Midrach Kaf Ragel” –
    literally, “even walking with your feet” (2:5).
    Meaning, Beneh Yisrael were not allowed
    even to peacefully pass through Edom’s
    territory without the kingdom’s permission.
    Rashi brings an additional interpretation of
    this verse from the Midrash, which explains
    that one day, we will, in fact, take possession
    of the land of Edom. The phrase “Ad
    Midrach Kaf Ragel,” the Midrash writes,
    means that Beneh Yisrael may not take over
    Edom until the time when G-d will “step
    with His feet,” as it were. This refers to a
    prophecy of Zecharya (14:4) foreseeing the
    final redemption, when Hashem will “stand”
    upon Har Ha’zetim (the Mount of Olives) in
    Jerusalem, and take revenge from the enemy
    nations that oppressed the Jewish People.
    At that time, we will be entitled to take the

    land of Edom, the nation which destroyed the
    Second Temple and has committed numerous
    atrocities against Am Yisrael.
    Additionally, this verse hearkens back to
    an earlier event – Yaakob Abinu’s wrestle
    with the Satan, the angel representing Esav.
    As we read in Parashat Vayishlah (Bereshit
    32:24-29), a mysterious attacker began
    fighting with Yaakob as he made his way
    back to Eretz Yisrael from Haran, and the
    Rabbis explain that this was the Satan. They
    wrestled throughout the night, and the Satan,
    unable to kill Yaakob, struck him in the
    thigh, dislodging the “Gid Ha’nasheh”, thus
    causing Yaakob to limp. In commemoration
    of this event, we refrain from eating this part
    of animals. The Hatam Sofer (Rav Moshe
    Sofer, Pressburg, 1762-1839) commented
    that the “Gid Ha’nasheh” is one of the body’s
    365 “Gidim” (sinews), which correspond
    to the 365 days of the year, and to the 365
    Biblical prohibitions. Yaakob’s confrontation
    with the angel, the Hatam Sofer shows,
    occurred on Tisha B’Ab, such that the “Gid
    Ha’nasheh” – and the Biblical prohibition
    against partaking of this part of an animal –
    are associated with this day, the day when we
    commemorate our struggles against enemy
    nations. Just as the Satan dealt a serious blow
    to Yaakob, making him limp, our foes have

    succeeded in dealing
    many devastating
    blows, inflicting a
    great deal of pain
    and causing a great
    deal of anguish,
    which we mourn each
    year on Tisha B’Ab.
    However, just as
    the Satan ultimately
    failed in its attempt
    to kill Yaakob, and,
    moreover, Yaakob
    was eventually healed
    from his injury, our
    enemies likewise
    are incapable of
    eliminating us – and
    one day, our “limp” will be healed. G-d
    will exact retribution from the nations
    that oppressed us, and all our pain will be
    permanently healed.
    This is the meaning of the verse which forbids
    waging war against Edom “Ad Midrach Kaf
    Ragel.” There will come a time when our
    nation will be healed, when we will again
    “walk with our feet” steadily and confidently,
    without a limp. And at that time, the kingdom
    of Edom will meet its downfall and be
    punished for the unspeakable tragedies it has

    brought upon the Jewish People.
    On Tisha B’Ab, we mourn for all the pain
    that “Edom” has inflicted upon our nation,
    for all our “limping,” all the suffering we
    have endured at the hands of Esav. But at
    the same time, as we reflect upon Yaakob’s
    wrestle with the angel which occurred on this
    day, we are reassured that we will one day
    be fully healed, with the arrival of Mashiah,
    who will come and cure our ailments, and
    bring us all to the rebuilt Bet Ha’mikdash,
    speedily and in our days, Amen.