The opening section of
Parashat Ekeb
describes the
prosperity and good
fortune that are
promised to Beneh
Yisrael if they obey
Hashem’s commands.
However, the Sages
inferred from the second word in this Parasha – the
word for which it is named, “Ekev” – that these
blessings are earned by observing a particular kind of
Misva. The phrase “Ekev Tishme’un” literally means,
“as a result of obeying.” But the word “Ekev” also
means “heel,” and as Rashi comments, it is used here
to allude to those Misvot which people customarily
“tread upon with their heel.” In other words, we earn
these blessings only if we ensure to observe the Misvot
that are commonly ignored and overlooked. We are
not necessarily deserving of these rewards for
observing the “popular” Misvot, such as Shabbat and
Kashrut, vitally important as these Misvot
undoubtedly are. We earn these blessings only if we
are careful to fulfill the “unpopular” Misvot that people
tend to neglect. To which Misvot does this refer?
Which Misvot are the ones that people “trample” on? I
believe that the Sages refer here to our obligations and
responsibilities to our fellowman, to the simple, basic
acts of consideration and concern for the people
around us. When we read Tehillim, or when we attend
a Torah class, we feel “holy,” we experience an
uplifting feeling that gives us a deep sense of
satisfaction, knowing that we did something
important. Generally, however, this is not the case with
simple acts of goodness. Extending a friendly greeting
to a new face in the synagogue does not give us the
same “high” as an impassioned prayer. Offering a
neighbor a lift to the store does not get us excited. And
therefore, too often, otherwise religiously observant
people “trample” upon these Misvot. Since these and
similar simple acts of courtesy do not give us a “holy”
feeling, we easily forget how vitally important they are
to Torah observance, and so we neglect them. Of
course, I am not saying that the prayers, study and
ritualistic elements of Torah life are less important.
The Ten Commandments were written on two
equal-sized tablets, one presenting our basic
obligations to G-d, and the other our basic obligations
to our fellowman. Both are equally important, and we
must never prioritize one over the other. There is,
however, a tendency among many observant Jews to
neglect their basic duties to their fellowman, which is
due to the tendency to associate “holiness” and
“spirituality” specifically with our responsibilities to
Hashem. In order to earn the beautiful blessings
described here in Parashat Ekev, we need to ensure not
to neglect these “little things,” which the Torah
reminds us are not “little” at all. Rav Eliyahu Lopian
(1876-1970) told that he once received a generous
donation for his yeshiva from a man who was not
religiously observant, but exuded genuine love and
affection for Hachamim. The Rabbi asked the man
why he experienced such strong feelings for Rabbis, if
he was not even observant. The man explained that
when he was a young man, he had no interest
whatsoever in studying Torah, but his father insisted
that he travel to Radin and apply for admission to the
yeshiva of the renowned Chafetz Chaim. The boy,
reluctantly, made the trip to Radin and was tested by
the great Sage. Much to the youngster’s delight, he
failed his exam, and was denied admission into the
yeshiva. Afterward, the boy told the Chafetz Chaim
that he had no train home until the following day, and
thus he wanted to sleep over in the yeshiva that night.
The Chafetz Chaim replied that the yeshiva did not
offer hospitality to those who were not students, but he
graciously invited the boy to stay in his home. The boy
felt very honored to receive such an invitation, and he
spent the night at the Chafetz Chaim’s home. Late that
night, the Chafetz Chaim walked into the boy’s room,
assuming he was asleep. The boy heard the great Sage
whisper, “Oh my, it’s way too cold in here.” He
promptly removed his overcoat and placed it on top of
his guest to keep him warm during the cold night.
“Even now, 50 years later,” the man said to Rav
Lopian, “I can still feel the warmth of the Chafetz
Chaim’s coat.” The Chafetz Chaim did many very
important things in his life, starting with the
composition of seminal Torah works, such as the
Mishna Berura and his work on the laws of Lashon
Ha’ra. But what affected this young man was not the
Chafetz Chaim’s brilliant scholarship or inspirational
prayer, but rather the simple act of giving him his coat
so he could keep warm. We should certainly aspire to
greatness, but we must never forget about “goodness.”
The word “Ekev” reminds us that often the most
significant Misvot we do are the “little things,” the
simple everyday acts of courtesy and consideration to
the people around us.