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    Parashat Teruma

    begins with the com-
    mand, “Ve’yikhu Li

    Teruma,” instructing

    Beneh Yisrael to do-
    nate materials for the

    construction of the
    Mishkan. Curiously, rather than commanding
    Beneh Yisrael to “give” or “donate” materials,
    Hashem commands them to “take a donation.”
    And the question is obvious: how does one
    “take” a donation? Why did Hashem formulate
    the command in this fashion?

    David Ha’melech famously proclaims in Te-
    hillim (49:18), “Ki Lo Be’moto Yikah Ha’kol”

    – a person does not bring any of his material
    assets with him to the next world. In Jewish

    tradition, a dead body is buried in plain, sim-
    ple shrouds with no pockets, emphasizing the

    point that no matter how much wealth a per-
    son accumulates in this world, he takes none

    of it with him to the next world. He leaves this
    world empty-handed. The currency in this
    world, whether it’s the U.S. dollar, the Euro, or
    the Israeli shekel, has no value whatsoever in
    the next world.
    The only thing a person takes with him in his
    spiritual currency – his Torah and Misvot. This

    cannot be seen, but it – and only it – accompa-
    nies a person on his final journey to the next

    world, where it has enormous value.
    A king once asked Baron Rothschild how
    much he was worth. Rothschild gave a number
    that was around one-tenth of his true worth.
    “What?!” the king exclaimed. “You’re trying
    to fool me? I know you’re worth at least ten
    times that!”
    “No,” the Baron replied. “You asked me what
    I am worth, not what my property is worth.
    True, my assets are worth ten times as much as
    what I said, but that is not my worth. All that
    can be taken away from me in an instant. My
    worth is only the charity I have given. Those
    are the only assets that can never be taken away
    from me.”

    People bring their money to the bank for safe-
    keeping. Rather than risk losing the cash, they

    deposit it in their bank account so it will be se-
    cure and they can access it later. This is what

    we are doing every time we give charity. We
    are depositing our money in the safest savings
    account imaginable. It is ensured not by the
    FDIC, but by the Almighty Himself. The Rabbi
    or collector to whom we give the donation is
    the like the teller. When we give money to the
    bank teller, we know we are not really giving
    it to him or her; the teller is just transferring
    the funds for us into our account. Similarly, the
    money we give to charity, every penny of it, is
    deposited straight into our heavenly account.
    The Ben Ish Hai (Rav Yosef Haim of Baghdad,
    1833-1909) once asked, “If there are ten birds
    on a rooftop, and we shoot two of them, how
    many remain on the roof?”
    Naturally, his audience replied that eight
    birds remain on the roof.
    The Rabbi noted that this is incorrect. The
    moment the shots are fired, all the other birds
    fly away. The only birds that remain on the roof
    are the dead ones.
    He proceeded to explain that this is true of
    money, as well. Whatever money we have can
    so easily “fly away.” It is said that money has
    wings, and we have seen this happen many
    times. People can go to sleep wealthy and wake
    up poor if their assets devaluate overnight.

    Ironically, the only assets that we really keep,
    that stay on the roof, are the “dead” ones – the
    assets we donate to charitable causes. These are
    secure and guaranteed to remain with us for all
    In this vein, the Ben Ish Hai explained the
    otherwise peculiar expression, “Ve’yikhu Li

    Teruma.” When one makes a charitable do-
    nation, when one contributes toward the

    “Mishkan,” he is receiving, not giving. He is
    depositing those funds in his own account in
    the most secure and profitable “savings plan”
    possible, and earning greater dividends than

    any other investment could ever yield.