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    Upon reading
    Parashat Vayakhel,
    we cannot help but
    be struck – and
    perplexed – by the
    Torah’s verbosity. The Torah laboriously
    repeats all the details regarding the
    construction of the Mishkan which were
    already presented earlier, in Parashat
    Teruma. There, we read of G-d presenting
    the commands for how to build the
    Mishkan and its furnishings, and here
    in Parashat Vayakhel, we read of how
    Beneh Yisrael fully complied with these
    commands. But why did all the details
    need to be repeated? Why did the Torah
    not simply relate that Beneh Yisrael built
    everything as G-d had commanded? Why
    was it necessary for the Torah to specify
    each and every detail of the construction
    a second time?
    The Or Ha’hayim Ha’kadosh (Rav Haim
    Ben-Attar, 1696-1743), in his commentary
    to this Parasha (36:11), explains that G-d
    repeated all the details of the construction
    of the Mishkan “Ki Habib Alav” – because
    this information is especially “beloved” to
    G-d. When we feel excited over something,
    we want to talk about it repeatedly. The
    Torah, too, is repetitive when it comes
    to particularly precious information. The
    Or Ha’hayim draws a comparison to
    the story of Eliezer, Abraham’s servant,
    who went to Aram Naharayim to find a
    wife for Yishak, and met Ribka, as we
    read in Parashat Hayeh-Sara. There, too,
    the Torah seems to be repetitive. After
    telling us of Eliezer’s experiences at the
    well outside the city, where he met Ribka,
    the Torah then records Eliezer lengthy
    account of his experiences when he spoke
    to Ribka’s family. The Midrash, as the Or
    Ha’hayim cites, comments that all this is
    repeated because “Habiba Alav” – this
    section is precious and beloved to G-d.
    Similarly, the Or Ha’hayim explains, the
    details of the Mishkan’s construction are
    repeated because this subject is especially
    beloved to G-d.
    It is noteworthy that the Or Ha’hayim
    draws a comparison between the building
    of the Mishkan and Eliezer’s successful
    efforts to find a wife for Yishak – the
    story of the building of a Jewish home.
    The Or Ha’hayim here is teaching us that
    building a Jewish home is as precious
    and beloved to G-d as the building of a
    Mishkan. After all, when a husband and
    wife conduct themselves the right way,
    and run their home on the foundations

    of Torah values and Torah observance,
    then their home becomes worthy of the
    Shechina (divine presence). In essence,
    such a home becomes a Bet Ha’mikdash,
    a sanctuary, where G-d is present. We are

    to ensure to build our homes properly, the
    way the Torah instructs, so that our homes
    will be beautiful and sublime like the Bet
    Ha’mikdash, worthy of G-d’s presence
    Rabbi Eli Mansour and of His unlimited blessings.