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    Parshas Balak
    contains an
    incident which
    teaches a
    tremendous ethical
    lesson. I personally
    find it to be one of the scariest mussar
    teachings in the Torah.
    This incident involves Bilaam, who
    had a tremendous power of speech.
    Whoever he blessed was blessed;
    whoever he cursed was cursed. He
    was a very powerful man — a person
    who did not command divisions of
    armies, but had an almost magical
    power of speech.
    Bilaam is asked to employ this power
    against the Jews. He knows that G-d
    does not want him to go, but he
    decides to go nonetheless. While on
    the way, his donkey stops, refuses to
    move, and then the donkey suddenly
    opens up his mouth and starts talking
    to him. A donkey never talked to a

    man since the beginning of the history
    of the world, and such a thing will
    never happen again.
    If a person had any doubts about
    whether what he was doing was right
    or wrong, and his car suddenly
    stopped and told him “Don’t Go” (and
    not just one of those recorded voices
    saying “Your seatbelt isn’t
    buckled…”) — would that not cause
    the person to at least stop and wonder
    whether he was doing the right thing?
    We may ask this question even about
    a person who is not perceptive. But
    Bilaam was a wise person; he was a
    perceptive person. How would a
    perceptive person relate to his donkey
    talking to him?
    Bilaam should have thought, “My
    strength is my speech. Who gave me
    that power? G-d gave me that power.
    The proof is that the same G-d who
    gave me the power of speech, just
    gave my donkey the power of speech!

    ‘Who gives a mouth to man or who
    makes one dumb…’ [Shemos 4:11]
    Where is my strength from? My
    speech is no bigger of a miracle than
    my donkey talking. It is the same
    strength from G-d.”
    What should Bilaam have concluded?
    He should have concluded that he was
    not using his power of speech
    correctly, and he should turn back. Is
    this not as clear as day? Is the message
    not clear? Should it not that make an
    impression? Yet it did not have any
    This is the lesson to be learned: how
    blind a person can be! When a person
    has some type of personal motive —
    whether it is money or power or
    whatever it is — a person can literally
    be completely blind. G-d can almost
    spell it out to him… G-d CAN spell it
    out to him, but he still will not see it!
    That is what is so frightening.
    Something can be as clear as day to

    the objective observer, but the person
    on his way to sin cannot see that
    which is in front of his own eyes! This
    is terribly frightening, because if it
    can happen to Bilaam, it can happen
    to every one of us! If Bilaam can be
    blinded, we can be blinded as well.
    This is the tremendous mussar to be
    derived from the incident of Bilaam:
    There are none so blind, as those who
    will not see.