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    In this week’s parsha,
    Moshe Rabbeinu is told
    by G-d, “Please speak
    into the ears of the people
    and a man shall ask from
    his neighbor and a
    women shall ask from
    her neighbor utensils of silver and gold” [Shemos
    11:2]. Rash”i (based on the Talmud in Brochos 9a)
    quotes a very famous Chaza”l that G-d asked
    Moshe using the word “nah” — I request of you
    — “PLEASE ask the people to request these silver
    and golden vessels”.
    The Beis Yisroel, authored by the Gerrer Rebbe,
    raises an interesting question. We understand why
    it is necessary to use the word “Please” if we are
    asking someone to perform a difficult task. But
    when has it ever been necessary to ask someone to
    “Please go take money”? People line up to take
    money! They do not need to be convinced to ask
    for it. Why over here did G-d need to stress
    “Please take the gold and silver”?
    The answer is that Klal Yisroel [The Jews] knew
    that there is something very difficult about taking
    money. This was the first encounter that the newly
    freed slaves had with the age-old problem of
    money. They instinctively knew that the challenge
    which wealth poses is a tremendous temptation.
    The Gerrer Rebbe explains that G-d had to say,

    “PLEASE take the money” because the Jews
    knew that this gift was fraught with danger.
    The Gerrer Rebbe also explains that this is also
    why G-d specifically used the word “v’Yish-alu”
    (they should borrow). G-d felt that if the Jews
    viewed material possessions in this world as some
    type of a borrowed item, they would be much
    better off.
    A person can rent a car. It may have all the
    luxuries, but a person’s excitement about such a
    car will be muted by the fact that the car is rented.
    In a day or two the car will be returned. That, the
    pasuk [verse] tells us, is how a person should
    approach materialism — as something that has
    been “borrowed”, as something that a person
    should not get too “carried away” about.
    Rav Elye Sveye, shlit”a, once commented on the
    pasukim [verses] in Ha’Azinu which describe the
    history of the Jewish people [Devorim Chapter
    32]. Rash”i describes the times in history when we
    were subject to this tremendous affluence. But
    then the pasuk says, “Israel waxed fat and
    rebelled….” [32:15]. The Seforno interprets “You,
    my dear Nation, you who understand the Torah,
    you have turned towards physical pleasures —
    towards materialism and affluence. This has
    caused you to turn away. The pasuk then continues,
    “And G-d will see and be provoked…” [32:19].
    What will be their end? The pasukim [32:20-26]

    describe the punishment that would befall them.
    The Seforno summarizes the pasukim as follows:
    “What was the antidote for a people that did not
    know how to cope with affluence? The antidote
    was Galus [Exile].”
    Rav Elye explained that we have had many long
    and bitter Exiles. However, there was a common
    thread throughout the Exile. That common thread
    was poverty. There have been pockets of affluence
    and there have been individual Jews that have had
    wealth. But the over-riding common denominator
    of all Exiles was poverty, trying to eke out a living.
    You can look at pictures of pre-world war Europe
    and see how the Jews lived. You can go to
    museums and see the poverty that the Jews had to
    endure. It is not coincidental. This is the answer of
    Exile. This is how G-d wanted to correct us,
    because we didn’t know how to cope with wealth.
    Rav Elye posed a powerful question: Here we are
    in America, which Reb Chaim Volozhin predicted
    would be the last stop before the coming of the
    Moshiach. This is the last Exile, but we find
    something that is totally out of character with our
    other Exile experiences — we are wealthy in
    America. Some may be a little more rich and some
    a little less rich, but any poverty that exists is
    relative poverty. Do we hear of people giving
    shoes to their children for Pesach, as if receiving
    shoes were a big deal?

    Why is the Exile of America different? Is it not
    essential for Galus to include poverty?
    Rav Elye suggested as follows: It must be that the
    last destruction — the Holocaust in Europe —
    must have been the final atonement for the sin of
    ‘And Israel waxed fat’. We have served our time.
    We have paid our dues. We have finally received
    kapparah [atonement] for the sin of spiritual
    rebellion resulting from wealth. And now once
    again we can have affluence and luxury and
    material wealth. This is our second chance.
    The Exile of America is our opportunity to
    experience wealth again and see if we will not
    stumble to its temptation. It is as if G-d told us,
    “Fine, you blew it once, but I will give you another
    chance.” This is the challenge of the American
    Exile. To have “houses filled with all good things”,
    to have “and Israel waxed fat”, to have bountiful
    income and beautiful homes and beautiful cars —
    but not to rebel. To deal with it the right way!
    We have paid a terrible price. Now is the time to
    look back and say, “We won’t do it again!” We
    will accept “VaYishman Yeshurun”, but we will
    not rebel or stumble from that wealth, rather we
    will use those blessing to spread Torah and to
    increase the honor of Heaven.