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    Reward and Punishment
    are also largely dependent
    on what one thinks. We
    will offer a couple of
    A spy hid his maps
    and papers in the
    pocket of a yeshiva bachur’s suit from
    Yeshivas Radin. The bachur was caught
    with the documents and was charged
    with espionage. The Chofetz Chaim
    came to court to testify to his innocence.
    He said, “I can swear he didn’t know
    about these papers. Someone placed the
    papers in his pocket.”
    The defense attorney explained to the
    judge the greatness of the Chofetz
    Chaim so he would appreciate the
    weight of his testimony. The lawyer
    told the judge the following story:
    Once, while traveling, someone
    grabbed the Chofetz Chaim’s suitcase
    and ran off with it. The Chofetz Chaim

    shouted after him, “I forgive you.”
    The judge asked the attorney, “Do you
    believe that story?”
    The attorney replied, “Even if the story
    isn’t true, such stories aren’t told about
    me and you.” He was implying that the
    Chofetz Chaim was very righteous and
    trustworthy, and his testimony should
    be believed.
    People asked the Chofetz Chaim, “We
    understand that you forgave the thief.
    You didn’t want him to be punished in
    Olam HaBa. But why did you have to
    tell him that you are mochel him? You
    could have forgiven him in your heart!”
    The Chofetz Chaim replied, “Chazal
    say, if a person thinks he performed an
    aveirah, he will be punished for his bad
    intentions, even if he actually didn’t
    perform the aveirah. I also wanted him
    to be freed from the punishment of
    bad intentions, so I let him know that I
    forgive him, and he isn’t committing an
    aveirah by holding on to the suitcase.”

    The Gemara (Kiddushin 39:) says
    that reward is given for keeping the lo
    saasehs, the prohibitions of the Torah,
    only when one has the opportunity to
    perform an aveirah, and he refrains.
    For example, he saw an expensive item
    unattended, and no one was watching.
    He had the opportunity to steal, and
    he refrained, that is when he will be
    rewarded for keeping the lo saaseh
    of lo signov. But if he didn’t have the
    opportunity to take it, he isn’t rewarded
    for not stealing. He didn’t have a test.
    And for mitzvos asei, as well, he will
    only be rewarded for the mitzvos that
    he performs or tries to perform.
    The Chofetz Chaim teaches that
    there is a way to be rewarded for all
    the mitzvos and all the lo saasehs
    with thought, alone. It states (12:28)
    “And they went and did; as Hashem
    commanded Moshe and Aharon, so
    they did.” This pasuk refers to making
    the korban Pesach. Rashi asks, “Did
    they already do [the korban pesach]?

    … It was only Rosh Chodesh [and the
    korban pesach wasn’t brought until two
    weeks later]! But since they accepted
    upon themselves [to make the korban
    pesach], the pasuk credits them for it as
    if they had done it.”
    So, by accepting the yoke of Torah, one
    receives reward and it is considered as
    if he kept the entire Torah, with all the
    lo saasehs and all the aseis. If he accepts
    the yoke of Torah in his thoughts, it is
    already considered as if he kept the
    entire Torah! He will be rewarded for
    desiring and thinking about keeping the
    entire Torah, even before he actually
    keeps it.