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    The One Who feeds you
    manna in the desert…in
    order to test you. (Devarim
    Everyone knows that life is
    a test. We struggle to make
    a living, to raise our
    children, to build up our
    communities. Nothing
    comes easy, and our test is to deal with the
    hardships and frustrations in the best way
    But what if our livelihood were served up to us on
    a silver platter? How wonderful that would be! No
    more worries about how to pay for the children’s
    tuition or the new roof. What if everything we
    needed came to us like manna from heaven?
    Would we consider this a test? Hardly. We would
    consider it a blessing. The Torah, however, seems
    to say otherwise.
    No sooner had the Jewish people come forth from
    Egypt that they complained (Shemos 16:3), “If
    only we had died by the hand of G-d in the land of
    Egypt when we were sitting beside the fleshpots,
    when we ate our fill of bread; now you have
    brought us out into the desert to let the entire
    congregation starve to death.”
    “Behold, I will rain down bread from the heavens
    on you,” Hashem replied (ibid. 16:4). “The people
    shall go out to collect their daily portion every
    day, in order to test whether or not they will
    follow My Torah.”
    The commentators wonder what kind of test this
    is. What could be better than having everything
    you need delivered to your doorstep every day?
    This is a test? This is a blessing!
    Rashi explains that Hashem was referring to the
    laws that govern the manna. One could not store
    away any manna for the next day. One had to
    collect a double portion on Friday. And so forth.
    This was the test. Would the Jewish people
    observe the laws of the manna scrupulously?
    This test is also mentioned in Parashas Eikev, “The
    One Who feeds you manna in the desert…in
    order to test you.” Sforno explains that the test is
    to see if the Jews would still follow the Torah
    when they do not have to worry about their
    Yes, there is a great test in “bread raining down
    from heaven.” Affluence without effort is a
    dangerous thing. It comes with a great amount of
    leisure time and freedom of action. What do we
    do with that leisure time and that freedom of
    action? Do we use our leisure time and freedom of
    action to taste the forbidden? This is the great test
    of the manna.
    We are all aware of the test of poverty. We are all
    aware of the trials and tribulations of being poor.
    However, says Sforno, affluence also comes with
    great temptations. It puts a tremendous
    responsibility on a person. This is the test of the
    manna, and it is the test for many Jews in these
    affluent times.
    The Chovos Halevavos writes in Shaar Habitachon
    that one of the reasons people, unlike birds and
    animals, must make a great effort to earn their
    livelihood is to control the yetzer hara. If we had

    too much time on our hands, we would be unable
    to resist the temptations he puts before us. As it is,
    we are either too busy or too tired most of the
    time. And even then it is a struggle to resist
    The Maggid of Mezritch once said that when
    people face troubles, sickness or mortal danger,

    Heaven forbid, they all become religious. They all
    come to shul. They pray fervently. They say
    Tehillim with tears streaming down their cheeks.
    They give charity generously. But when things are
    going well, when they are going wonderfully, do
    they give much thought to the Almighty? This is
    the test of the manna.