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    The pasuk says
    regarding Tzitzis,
    “And you shall
    remember all the
    commandments of
    Hashem.” The
    Talmud says, “Rabbi Meir used to
    say: How is Techeles different from
    all other colors? The Techeles looks
    like the sea, and the sea looks like the
    sky and the sky looks like a sapphire
    stone and the sapphire stone looks
    like the Throne of Honor (of the
    Almighty).” [Chullin 89a]
    What is the need for all the
    intermediate allusions? Cut out the
    middle- man! Let Rabbi Meir simply
    say that the color of Techeles is like
    that of the Throne of Honor!
    An important answer that I saw is that
    in the service of G-d, one must go one
    step at a time. We must grow

    spiritually, but gradually. We cannot
    “grab it all at once.” Unfortunately,
    we see all too many times that people
    gets into something new and go
    overboard. It is not well thought out.
    It is not well grounded. It is a ‘fad’.
    One who bites off more than he can
    chew is left with nothing.
    Chazal say to go slowly. Small steps.
    “Techeles is like the sea.” This we can
    relate to right away. Later we will be
    able to absorb the meaning of “the sea
    is like the sky.” Then we can compare
    the sky to sapphire. Ultimately, we
    will then hopefully make the
    connection that sapphire is like the
    Throne of Honor.”
    The Rabbeinu Tam writes in the Sefer
    HaYashar: If one wants to get into
    some type of good activity, he should
    not make it too difficult in the
    beginning. One should take upon

    himself the ‘yoke of
    mitzvos’ bit by bit,
    based on what he is
    able to handle.
    This is the same idea
    mentioned before. If
    one assumes too much
    at once, he will remain
    with nothing. We put
    on the Tallis before the
    Tefillin, even though
    the Tefillin are holier
    than the Tallis. The
    operating principle is
    “we ascend in levels of holiness (we
    do not drop down).” We should not
    rush straight to put on the Tefillin. We
    need to build up to that level of
    holiness by first donning the Tallis, a
    less sanctified item.
    Proceeding gradually and in an
    orderly fashion allows for great and

    lasting conquests. One who tries to
    jump to the top of the mountain,
    without taking the middle steps, winds
    up crashing.
    The Techeles looks like the sea. The
    sea looks like the sky. The sky looks
    like sapphire stone. Sapphire stone
    looks like the Holy Throne. Take
    things one step at a time.