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    The pasuk says,
    “And if the Kohen
    examines the
    Tzoraas and sees
    that it has spread,
    he need not
    (further) examine the yellow hair, the
    person is Tameh (impure)” [Vayikra
    The Baal HaTurim points out that
    there are only two times in the entire
    Torah where we find this expression
    “he need not examine” (lo yevaker).
    The first time is in our parsha. The
    second time is in Parshas Bechukosai
    regarding the laws of Temurah
    (switched sacrifices) “he shall not
    distinguish (lo yevaker) between
    good and bad” [Vayikra 27:33].
    The Baal HaTurim explains that there
    is a connection between these two
    pasukim [verses]: Since the person
    was guilty of distinguishing between

    good and bad (by speaking Lashon
    Horah), therefore the Kohen has no
    need to examine his Tzoraas
    symptoms further and can declare
    him Tameh (impure) immediately.
    The Baal HaTurim concludes “…for
    there are 7 reasons that cause Negaim
    (ritual skin-blemishes) to come”.
    This is a classic comment of the Baal
    HaTurim because it is a riddle.
    Anyone is welcome to speculate over
    the meaning of this Baal HaTurim
    during his or her Shabbos seudah. My
    feeling is that the meaning of the Baal
    HaTurim is the following:
    What is the sin of Lashon Horah all
    about? When we distill Lashon Horah
    to its basic form, what does it consist
    of? Basically, Lashon Horah is about
    criticizing. It is the uncanny ability to
    look at a person or situation and to
    find what is wrong — to latch on to
    the shortcomings and the downside.

    There is good and bad in
    all of us. We are not all
    good and we are not all
    bad. It is possible to look
    at a person and say “He’s
    stingy, he’s this, he’s
    that, etc.” But that same
    person also has positive
    traits. The chronic
    Lashon Horah speaker
    never sees these positive
    traits. He chooses to
    look at the bad and to
    criticize. He chooses to
    examine every person under a
    microscope and always come to the
    conclusion that there are faults and
    This is the meaning of the Baal
    HaTurim. When a person transgresses
    the crime of “You shall not examine
    between good and bad” (he always
    examines, always looks for fault and

    always criticizes), he will be punished
    measure for measure. He will come to
    the Kohen and the Torah will instruct
    the Kohen “Do not examine any
    further” — rule that he is Tameh on
    the spot. Let him receive some of his
    own medicine. Teach the importance
    of my command “You shall not
    scrutinize (further)…” to he who
    always scrutinizes.