You Shall Have A
At the end of the
description of the
Menorah, the pasuk
[verse] says, “(U’Re-ay
v’asay…” — “And see
and construct according to the pattern that you
were shown on the mountain” [25:40]. The Baal
HaTurim has a very cryptic and enigmatic
comment on this pasuk: “There are only 3 times
in all of Tanach that a pasuk begins with the
word ‘u’Re-ay’ [‘And see’]”.
The other two occurrences are both in Tehillim
— “And see sons to your children, peace on
Israel” [128:6] and “And see if I have an evil
way; and lead me in the way of Eternity”
[139:24]. The Baal HaTurim seems to provide
us with a “Jewish Crossword Puzzle”. The trick
is to find the connection between these three
pasukim [verses]. The Baal HaTurim himself
suggests a common thread, but I will discuss an
alternate explanation from the Shemen HaTov.
Rash”i on our verse comments that Moshe was
puzzled about the appearance of the Menorah,
until HaShem [G-d] showed him a replica of the
Menorah made out of fire. Moshe was able to
conceptualize all of the other Kaylim [vessels]
of the Mishkan, but somehow he had difficulty
conceptualizing the complex shape and
structure of the Menorah. Therefore, HaShem
formed a Menorah out of fire and showed
Moshe exactly what the Menorah looked like.
However, even that did not help. We know from
another statement of the Sages that even after
Moshe saw the image of the Menorah, he still
could not construct it. Finally, HaShem
instructed Moshe to (have Betzalel) throw the
gold into the fire, and the Menorah was created
The question must be asked: HaShem knew
Moshe’s capabilities. If, ultimately, HaShem
knew that Moshe would not be able to construct
the Menorah on his own, why did HaShem ask
him to do something that he could not do?
The Shemen HaTov answers: it was vital and
crucial for Moshe to see the shape and form of
the Menorah — even if he would not be able to
duplicate it. A person must have a vision of
what is required and expected. If one does not
have the vision, he can not even begin. One
must have a dream, whether that dream can be
realized and become a reality or not. The
minimum that is absolutely necessary is the
perception of a direction and goal.
The initial image that HaShem showed to
Moshe was the vision of the Menorah. Moshe
was then at least aware of the dream — the
ultimate goal. If later, Moshe could not construct
the Menorah himself, then HaShem would help,
but at least Moshe knew what he was trying to
There are many things in life that are beyond
our capabilities. We need the Help of Heaven to
accomplish them. However, in order to be able
to invoke the Help of Heaven and reach that
dream, we must first possess the dream and the
vision. This is what we learn from the pasuk,
“See and construct, according to the image that
I showed you on the mountain.”
Our Sages tell us that children, life and
sustenance are dependent upon ‘Mazal’
[fortune]. We can do very little about how many
children we will have; what type of children we
will have; how our life will turn out; how our
livelihood will go. These are things that are up
to HaShem. But we must have the dream on our
The Shemen HaTov explains that this is what
Dovid HaMelech [King David] is saying in the
second pasuk in Tehillim “And see…” [139,24].
HaShem, I do not know what You have in store
for me, but if it is not the type of productive life
that I dream for, please fill it in, in accordance
with those dreams. The dreams, however, are
In addition, the Shemen HaTov explains that
this is the connection that the Baal HaTurim is
making to the first pasuk, “And see children to
your children; peace on Israel”. We never know
what we will see from our children. Who
knows? There are so many factors. One can try,
put in efforts, pray, do everything within his
power. But who knows what will happen?
There are so many factors that mold and affect a
child. But we must have dreams for our children.
I, like you, want to see children from my
children. I want to see my grandchildren sharing
my values. I want to see my children committed
to Torah. I want them to be G-d fearing, honest
Jews. I want to see from them, children who
share those values as well. That is the definition
of “Peace upon Israel”.
These things are not always up to us or under
our control to carry out but we must have the
dreams and the wishes. We must always have
the proper directions and goals.