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    This week’s parashah
    discusses the building of
    the Mishkan. We want
    every Jewish home to
    be a sanctuary where
    Hashem resides.
    The Gemara tells
    (Bechoros 7) about
    a debate between Reb Yehoshua ben
    Chananya with apikorsim called Saba d’bei
    Atuna, the wise men of Athens. The wise
    men of Athens asked Reb Yehoshua ben
    Chananya, “Where is the middle of the
    Reb Yehoshua pointed to “here” and said,
    “This is the middle of the world.”
    They asked, “How do you know?”
    He replied, “Bring ropes and measure.”
    The Kotzker zt’l explains that they were
    asking him, “The Beis HaMikdash used
    to be in the middle of the world. Where
    is the Beis HaMikdash today?” With this
    question, they were teasing Reb Yehoshua
    ben Chananya, implying to him that the
    Beis HaMikdash was destroyed, and that

    Hashem turned away from the Jewish
    Reb Yehoshua told them, “The Beis
    HaMikdash is here, in every Yid.”
    It states (25:8) v’asu li mikdash veshachanti
    besocham, “They shall make Me a sanctuary
    and I will dwell in their midst.”
    It doesn’t state veshachanti besocho, “I will
    dwell in it.” It says veshachanti besocham,
    “I will dwell in their midst.” The sefarim
    explain this to mean that Hashem dwells
    within every Yid. There is an aron in every
    Yid. This is his heart. There are keruvim in
    every Yid. They are his eyes. And all the
    limbs of a human being correspond to the
    utensils of the mishkan. Just as Hashem
    dwelt in the Mishkan, Hashem dwells
    within every Yid.
    It states (Yeshayah 33:15-16) “He who
    walks righteously and speaks honestly, who
    scorns oppression, who shakes his hands
    from taking hold of bribe, closes his ear
    from hearing of blood, and closes his eyes
    from seeing evil. He shall dwell on high;
    rocky fortresses shall be his defense; his
    bread shall be given [to him], his water

    The Metzudas Dovid explains, “If he does
    all of the above, he will dwell in a safe
    place, as if he is in a high place and the
    enemy can’t get there.”
    The Targum Yonason translates it as “He
    will dwell in a high place, in the Beis
    HaMikdash.” He is explaining that his own
    home becomes a Beis HaMikdash.
    The Divrei Yisrael zt’l said that the Gan
    Eden of Bnei Yisrael is in Olam HaBa, and
    the Gan Eden of Hakadosh Baruch Hu is to
    be in a Yid, as it states (Vayikra 26:12) “I
    will walk within you.”
    The Midrash tells us that Hashem wants
    to dwell among us. He doesn’t want to be
    distant from us. The Midrash explains that
    this is because Hashem loves the Torah, and
    He wants to be near where there is Torah.
    Hashem gave us the Torah, so He wants to
    be near us.
    The Midrash states, “Is there a sale that when
    you buy an item, the seller comes along with
    it? But Hakadosh Baruch Hu tells Yisrael, ‘I
    sold the Torah to you, keviyachol, I am sold
    together with it, as it states vi’kchu li, ‘Take
    Me.’ It can be compared to a king who
    had an only daughter. Another king came

    and married the only daughter. This king
    wanted to return to his land and take his
    wife with him. His father-in-law told him,
    ‘This is my only daughter. I can’t be distant
    from her. But I also can’t tell you that you
    can’t take her with you because she is your
    wife. Do me this favor. Wherever you go,
    make a small room for me so I can dwell
    there with you because I can’t be without
    my daughter.’ Similarly, Hakadosh Baruch
    Hu tells Yisrael, ‘I gave you the Torah. I
    can’t leave it. I can’t tell you not to take it.
    Rather, wherever you go, make me a room
    so I can be there. This is the meaning of the
    words (25:8) veshachanti besocham,’ I will
    dwell in your midst.’”
    The Beis Aharon zt’l would tell his chasidim
    to learn this Midrash every year. Wherever
    we are, and with everything we do, make a
    place for Hashem to be there, too.