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    There is an interesting
    Medrash on the pasuk
    “See G-d has called
    by name Betzalel son
    of Uri son of Chur of
    the tribe of Yehudah”
    [Shemos 35:30]. The
    Medrash references the pasuk in Koheles
    “A good name is better than good oil”
    [Koheles 7:1]. The Medrash elaborates that
    the scent of good oil may precede the oil by
    a mile or two at most, even if the oil has a
    very powerful aroma. However, a good
    name can precede a person even across
    The Medrash then asks how far a person
    must remove himself from contact with the
    prohibition of Shatnez [the forbidden
    mixture of wool and linen]. The Medrash
    answers that even if a person is wearing 99
    layers of clothing and none of them are
    Shatnez, he still may not wear a garment
    containing Shatnez as the one hundredth
    layer of clothing.
    What is the connection between distancing
    oneself from Shatnez and the pasuk that

    says, “A good name is better than good oil”?
    Rav Nissan Alpert gives the following
    interpretation of this Medrash (in his sefer
    Limudei Nissan):
    Every time the Torah introduces Betzalel, it
    uses the following unique expression:
    “Look, I’ve called him by this name…”
    Why does the Torah give Betzalel such an
    introduction? The Medrash explains that the
    reason why Betzalel merited to be the
    master builder of the Mishkan was not
    because he had master architectural talents
    or special artistic ability. Betzalel’s
    uniqueness was that he — for some reason
    — merited having a ‘good name’. The
    Medrash then emphasizes how wonderful it
    is to have a good reputation (shem tov).
    G-d, in choosing someone to construct his
    dwelling place on earth (the Mishkan), did
    not want to be associated with anyone who
    had anything less than an impeccable
    How does one obtain a good reputation?
    The Medrash answers this question by
    introducing the matter of Shatnez. The

    Medrash is teaching that
    the way a person acquires a
    good name is not by merely
    avoiding evil or sin, but by
    avoiding even the slightest
    hint of impropriety. It is not
    sufficient to merely ‘play it
    by the book’. A person
    must distance himself to
    the ultimate extent from
    anything that even smacks
    of impropriety.
    Shatnez is a peculiar prohibition, in that the
    two substances involved (wool and linen)
    are completely permitted when taken
    individually. Only a combination of the two
    is prohibited. The Torah is teaching us that a
    person merits a good name by staying away
    from Shatnez. Avoiding Shatnez represents
    staying away from anything that has even a
    minute mixture of something improper.
    Those people in our communities who have
    achieved a good name are people who are
    above reproach. They have removed
    themselves from any taint of scandal or
    impropriety. Impeccable reputations are not

    achieved by playing it on the edge or
    bending the rules.
    We all know that certain people’s
    handshakes are more reliable than other
    people’s signed contracts. The reason why
    is because the first group of people stay
    away from ‘forbidden mixtures’. They stay
    away from the slightest hint of ‘non-Kosher’
    business practices. Ultimately, this is what
    pays off for them in the long run. When G-d
    builds a Mishkan, He does not want it built
    by a person regarding whom people may
    have suspicions. He wants a Betzalel — a
    person above reproach, who possesses a
    good name, which is superior to good oil.