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    Yaakov Listens To
    His Messages: The
    Wagons Indicate
    Yosef Is Still Alive
    The pasuk [verse] in
    this week’s parsha reads “And they told
    him (Yaakov) that Yosef was still alive
    and that he ruled throughout the land of
    Egypt. But his (Yaakov’s) heart rejected
    it because he didn’t believe them”
    [Bereishis 45:26]. The next pasuk says
    that they told him everything that they
    discussed with Yosef. Finally, the pasuk
    says that Yaakov saw the wagons
    (agahlos) that Yosef sent him,
    whereupon, he believed the brothers
    and his spirit was revived.
    Our Sages make a play on words
    (agahlah / eglah) and explain that Yosef
    was indicating to his father that when
    they were last together they were in the
    midst of studying the laws of the
    decapitated calf (eglah arufah). This is

    why the pasuk says “the wagons that
    Yosef sent”, when in fact the wagons
    were really sent by Pharoah.
    Rav Nissan Alpert, zt”l, gives a
    beautiful explanation regarding why
    this specific message revived Yaakov’s
    spirit. The law of the decapitated calf is
    invoked when a dead body is found
    between two cities. The elders of the
    nearest city come and proclaim their
    innocence in the matter. They never saw
    this person; they were not aware of and
    played no role — directly or indirectly
    — in his murder. As part of this ritual a
    calf is decapitated as a type of atonement
    offering by these elders [Devorim 21:1-
    What is the basic theme of this
    mitzvah? The fundamental idea is the
    concept of “All of Israel are responsible
    for one another” (Kol Yisrael areivin
    zeh l’zeh). After all, why was it
    necessary for the elders of the

    neighboring city to bring an
    atonement offering? Today, one’s
    next door neighbor could, G-d forbid,
    be murdered without so much as a
    shrug from the neighbors. People see
    others being mugged in the subway
    and they look the other way. “It’s
    none of my business.”
    The Torah has a different outlook on
    life. Even if this person was unknown,
    even if he was from a different city, if
    his dead body was found near a city,
    the residents of that city bear a certain
    degree of responsibility. This is the
    meaning of Kol Yisrael areivin zeh
    l’zeh. We each have a responsibility for
    our fellow Jew. There is no such thing
    as “It’s none of my business.”
    That is why the elders bring the
    atonement offering. In truth it is not
    only an atonement for that neighboring
    city. It is brought by that neighboring
    city as an atonement for the entire
    Jewish people. In some respect,
    even the far distant Jews share the
    responsibility for the tragedy. One
    Jew’s murder is the “business” of
    every single other Jew.
    This, then, was the message of
    the Decapitated Calf (Eglah
    Arufah). If we look at the life of
    the righteous Yosef, we see that he
    was in fact preoccupied with the
    idea of his responsibility for his
    fellow brethren. When the Torah
    tells us that Yosef brought “evil
    tidings” about his brothers to his
    father, what was he telling his
    father? Our Sages tell us that he
    reported that they were not
    treating the sons of the
    handmaidens properly. The sons
    of Leah were discriminating
    against the sons of Bilhah and
    True, he could have ignored the
    matter. He could have said, “This
    is not my business”. But that was
    not Yosef. His entire being was
    dedicated to a sense of
    responsibility for each of the sons
    of Yaakov. He literally lived a life
    of “Kol Yisrael Areivin zeh l’zeh”.
    It is my business.

    When Yaakov sent Yosef to check up
    on his brothers, Yosef knew very well
    how his brothers felt towards him. He
    knew it would be a dangerous mission,
    as it indeed turned out to be. Why then
    did he go? Because of the sense of
    responsibility, the sense of “Kol Yisrael
    Areivin zeh l’zeh”.
    This is why Yaakov responded with
    disbelief when he was told that Yosef
    was alive and the ruler of all the land of
    Egypt. He could not understand how it
    could be that Yosef, who was always so
    concerned with his fellow man, could
    be in such a powerful position now and
    have ignored the plight of his father,
    never writing to tell him of his
    whereabouts. “My son Yosef would not
    ignore his father and family during all
    the years of famine, not to send them a
    message, not to send them provisions.
    The Yosef I knew could not be alive.”
    That is why Yaakov did not initially
    believe his sons.
    But then when they told him “All the
    words of Yosef,” something changed.
    The brothers told Yaakov that Yosef told
    them “G-d sent me here for providing
    you with salvation” (l’michyah
    shlachani HaShem). When Yaakov
    heard that Yosef felt that his whole
    reason for being in Egypt was so that he
    could take care of his family – even
    indirectly – then Yaakov began to
    And when Yaakov saw the wagons —
    when he understood that Yosef still
    recognized the implicit message of
    Eglah Arufah – that every Jew is
    responsible for his fellow Jew – then
    Yaakov knew for sure that his son Yosef
    was still alive, and his spirit was