There is one sports
team in America
which is much more
than just a sports team.
Almost every player
who joins this team
says the same thing: it’s more than just a
team. When you’re part of this team,
you’re part of something great. You’re
part of something historic. You’re part
of something royal. I refer, of course, to
the New York Yankees. When a player
is drafted or acquired by the Yankees,
he becomes part of something special.
He joins the team of Babe Ruth, Joe
DiMaggio, Mickey Mantle, and Derek
Jeter. Everyone who becomes part of
the team talks about the feeling when
they “put on the pinstripes,” becoming
part of this legendary franchise.
Le’havdil (without intending to draw an
actual comparison), this is what Rosh
Hashanah is about. Day-to-day life, as
you all know very well, can be tough. It
can be grueling. We all have problems.
Some with finances. Some with
children. Some with shidduchim.
Some with health. Especially during
our current period. We all get
overwhelmed and pressured.
Throughout the year, we often see only
ourselves and our personal struggles.
Rosh Hashanah comes and reminds us
that we’re part of something so much
bigger than ourselves and our personal
struggles. We are part of something
grand, historic, and special. We are part
of the “team” of Avraham, Yitzhak and
Yaakov, Moshe Rabbenu, King David,
the prophets, the Rabbis of the Talmud,
and all the great righteous people our
nation has produced over the millennia.
The Rambam famously explains the
shofar blowing as intended to “wake us
up” from our “slumber.” During the
year, we can forget why we’re here. We
forget what this is all about. We see
only our problems and struggles. On
Rosh Hashanah, we are “awakened” and
reminded that we’re part of something
so much greater, so much more
important, and so much more valuable.
This solves one of the great mysteries of
Rosh Hashanah. Why can’t we write our
own prayer text for Rosh Hashanah?
Why don’t we each come to the
synagogue with our own list of things
that we need for the new year? Would
praying on Rosh Hashanah be so much
easier that way? Why did the Rabbis
institute a prayer text for us to recite –
one which speaks at length about G-d’s
being king over the world, and which
speaks of past events? The answer is
that this is precisely the point of Rosh
Hashanah – to remind us that life is so
much more significant than our little or
not-so-little problems. We wear the
“pinstripes”! We are part of something
great! We are part of a special nation,
with a glorious history, and we are here
to work together to serve Hashem. The
Gemara teaches that the sounding of the
shofar brings to mind the great merit of
עקידת†יצחק†, when Avraham Avinu was
prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice –
to sacrifice his son. When Hashem told
him not to sacrifice Yitzhak, Avraham
sacrificed a ram, instead. The shofar,
which comes from a ram, brings to mind
this great act. On Rosh Hashanah we
connect with Avraham Avinu, and with
all the great Jews who made incredible
sacrifices for Hashem. We connect
with our grandparents who came to this
country and made great sacrifices to
build Jewish schools and synagogues.
We connect with the immigrants who
risked their jobs to observe Shabbat.
We connect with all the families in our
community and throughout the Jewish
world today, who make great sacrifices
to fulfill the mitzvot and to provide their
children with a Torah education. This is
what Rosh Hashanah is – the time to rise
above ourselves and our problems, and
to remember that our purpose is so much
greater, that we are part of a special
nation that is here in this world to do
special things. As we prepare for Rosh
Hashanah during the coming weeks, let
us begin reflecting on the greater
purpose for which we are here, to think
not only of our personal wishes for the
coming year, but of the ambitious goals
that we should be setting for ourselves as
part of this glorious nation.