17 Mar Q&A With Rabbi Ahron Moss From Sydney, Australia
This coronavirus thing has really thrown me. I feel like I’ve lost all sense of certainty. No one knows what will happen next. How do we stay sane when we don’t know what’s lurking around the corner?
It is not that we have lost our
sense of certainty. We have lost
our illusion of certainty. We never
had it to begin with. This could be
majorly unsettling, or amazingly
This tiny virus of 125 nanometres*
has sent the entire world
into chaos. All of our plans are
up in the air, markets are going
crazy, entire countries shutting
down, and we have no clue what
the future holds.
But that is always the case. We
never know what the future holds.
We only think we do, and keep
getting surprised when things
don’t pan out the way we expected.
Now the mask is off. We have
to admit our vulnerability.
What will happen next? We don’t
know. Our experts don’t know.
Our leaders don’t know. Only
G-d knows. And that is the point.
Only G-d knows.
Close your eyes and feel the uncertainty,
make peace with it, let
yourself be taken by it. Embrace
your cluelessness. Because in all
the confusion there is one thing
you know for sure. You are in Gd’s
Keep calm. Panic and fear are
also contagious. Take every precaution
as advised by health authorities.
Wash your hands well.
And every time you do, remember
whose hands you are in.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss
*A nanometre is one billionth of a metre.