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    The Torah in Parashat
    Re’eh discusses the
    basic laws of the three
    Regalim – the holidays
    of Pesach, Shabuot
    and Sukkot, when
    Beneh Yisrael would assemble in the Bet
    Ha’mikdash. In presenting the obligations
    relevant to the celebration of Sukkot, the
    Torah famously commands that on this day,
    “Ve’hayita Ach Same’ah” – “You shall be
    only joyous” (16:15).
    Rav Baruch of Mezhbizh (1753-1811), a
    grandson and disciple of the Ba’al Shem
    Tob (d. 1760), taught that the greatest Segula
    (“charm”) for earning a livelihood is joy,
    living with happiness and contentment.
    Indeed, the Mishna in Abot (4:1) famously
    teaches, “Who is wealthy? He who is joyous
    with his lot.” Rav Baruch explained that
    wealth comes through Simha – experiencing
    genuine joy, without worrying about the
    future and without feeling distressed over
    what one does not have.
    This concept is alluded to in the verse cited
    above – “Ve’hayita Ach Same’ah.” The final
    letters of these words – “Tav,” “Chaf Sofit,”
    and “Het” – are the letters of the divine
    Name “Hatach” (spelled “Het,” “Tav,” “Chaf
    Sofit”), which, as the Arizal (Rav Yishak
    Luria, 1534-1572) taught, is the Name which
    brings livelihood and sustenance. The Arizal
    instructed that when we recite in our prayer
    service the verse, “Pote’ah Et Yadecha
    U’masbia Le’chol Hai Rason” (“You open
    Your hands and willfully satiate all living
    creatures” – Tehillim 145:16), he should
    have in mind the final letters of the first three
    words of this verse – “Het,” “Tav,” “Chaf
    Sofit,” which spell this Name. This Name
    is alluded to in the verse, “Ve’hayita Ach
    Same’ah” to teach that experiencing joy is
    the means to earning a livelihood.
    This concept seems counterintuitive. We
    might have assumed that to achieve financial
    success, one must feel constantly dissatisfied
    with his current state, and continually work
    and strive to achieve more. We would
    have thought that it is specifically through
    discontent and anxiety about money that
    one is driven to succeed and thus becomes
    wealthy. But the precise opposite is true –
    we achieve Parnasa (livelihood) through
    happiness, by feeling content and joyful over
    all we have.
    This is why the special Misva of “Ve’hayita
    Ach Same’ah” applies specifically to Sukkot,
    the holiday when we move outside our large,
    furnished homes and live in a temporary,
    crude structure. One of the messages of the
    Sukka is that life is temporary, and we do
    not keep our material possessions forever,

    and so we must feel joyous and content
    with whatever lot we have received. This
    is the true key to Parnasa – maintaining
    our joy and sense of fulfillment regardless
    of our circumstances, finding meaning and

    happiness in our performance of Misvot,
    irrespective of finances. If we live this
    way, then we will, please G-d, be worthy
    of G-d’s unlimited blessings and enjoy

    much joy and success.