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    On Thursday last week,
    South Africa presented
    its case at the World
    Court in The Hague,
    asserting that Israel is
    engaged in genocide in
    Gaza. The legal
    representatives urged the court to issue an
    interim order, calling for an immediate cessation
    of Israel’s military actions.
    South African lawyers asserted that Israeli
    soldiers interpreted Benjamin Netanyahu’s
    November speech, where he invoked a biblical
    reference to Amalek, as a justification for
    killing Palestinians. This claim, highlighting
    Netanyahu’s use of Amalek and IDF soldiers
    chanting “wipe off the seed of Amalek,” was
    presented during the first day of public hearings
    at the International Court of Justice in The
    Hague. Netanyahu’s use of Amalek during the
    Gaza invasion had sparked international
    outrage, with many interpreting it as an explicit
    call for Israeli soldiers to kill Palestinians in
    response to Hamas’ attack on October 7.
    Netanyahu stated during the broadcast, “You
    must remember what Amalek has done to you,
    says the Torah, and we do remember.”
    In this article, we aim to analyze whether the
    seeds of Amalek, referring to the descendants of
    Amalek, are truly represented by the Hamas
    faction or if they belong to another nation.
    Who is Amalek?

    Amalek identified as the son of Eliphaz who
    was the son of Esav and ancestor of the

    Edomites, was born to Eliphaz and his pilegesh-

    Amalek are later referenced in the Torah after
    the Israelites departed from Egypt, accompanied
    by numerous miracles that gained recognition
    globally. Despite the widespread awareness of
    these miracles, Amalek chose to defy the
    prevailing fear and engage in battle against us.
    Despite the awareness that they would not
    survive, they deemed it worthwhile to confront
    and diminish the fear instilled in the nations,
    accepting their own demise as a means to “cool
    down,” so to speak, the apprehension among
    other nations.
    Because Amalek was the first to confront our
    nation in battle, Bilaam, in his prophecy, refers
    to Amalek as “the first of nations.”
    In the biblical narrative, King Shaul and the
    conflict with the Amalekites are described in
    the First Book of Shmuel, (chapter 15). Hashem
    commanded Shaul to completely destroy the
    Amalekite people, including men, women,
    children, and livestock, as a divine punishment
    for their earlier hostility towards the Israelites
    during their Exodus from Egypt.
    However, Shaul did not fully carry out this
    command. Despite destroying many of the
    Amalekites, he spared their king, Agag, and
    some of the best livestock.
    As a result of Shaul’s disobedience, Shmuel

    declared that Hashem had rejected him as king
    over Israel.
    The Amalekites continued to be a recurring
    enemy of the Israelites throughout biblical
    Amalek in later Generations.
    In subsequent generations, we encounter
    Haman, who was a descendant of Amalek, once
    again in Persia during the reign of King
    Achasverosh. The discovery of Haman is
    mentioned in Megilat Esther as “Haman the
    Agagi,” meaning from the Agagite family.
    Agag is openly mentioned in the Book of
    Shmuel as a king of the Amalekites. Therefore,
    Haman is a descendant of Agag, the king of
    We encounter the Amalekite once again in
    recent times, specifically in Germany. The
    Vilna Gaon, who lived over 200 years ago,
    asserted that Germany are the descendents of
    Amalek. In the book “Yerushatenu,” (’ח חלק
    Hamburger Binyamin Rabbi) עמוד קצו והלאה
    cites various rabbis who affirmed this
    perspective. Among them, Rabbi Eliezer from
    Lezinsk and Rabbi Zusha from Manipoli,
    eminent Chasidic figures, were the first to
    express the idea that the Germans embody
    Amalek. This viewpoint is also echoed in the
    writings of the Sfat Emet and Avnei Nezer.
    Accordingly, we understand that without
    knowledge of Amalek’s lineage, we should
    refrain from assuming that other nations are
    Amalek. Therefore, when discussing Gazans,
    we can reasonably conclude that they are not
    Amalek, especially considering they are not
    even Caucasians like the Germans. Thus,
    using the term Amalek in relation to them
    appears to be inaccurate.
    Amalek as a Concept Rather than a Nation.
    A novel interpretation of understanding
    Amalek is that it may not exclusively refer to
    the descendants but rather to the ideology and
    cruelty that Amalek represents. Rabbi Chaim
    Zonenfeld elucidated that the pasuk does not
    specifically command the obliteration of
    Amalek but rather its memory. This suggests
    that anyone embracing the principles and
    actions akin to Amalek would fall into that
    category (a testimony from Rabbi Noah
    Looking back in time, we find similar
    explanations in the Rishonim. Sefer
    Hachinuch (תרג מצוה (elucidates that the
    essence of the commandment to remember
    what Amalek did to the Israelites upon leaving
    Egypt is to engrain in our hearts the
    understanding that any nation causing pain to
    Am Israel is despised by Hashem, just as He
    detests Amalek for the suffering they inflicted
    upon us. Furthermore, the more a nation
    inflicts pain upon Am Israel, the more it will
    lead to their own downfall, as evidenced by
    the complete destruction of the Amalekite
    nation, which inflicted significant suffering
    upon us. This perspective suggests that
    Amalek is more of an idea than a specific
    nation—a representation of those who stand
    as enemies to the Jewish nation and,
    consequently, enemies to Hashem.
    If one seeks a clear example of what appears

    to be Hashem’s intended retribution for
    historical persecution against the Jewish nation,
    particularly in Germany, it can be observed in
    the influx of seemingly “peaceful” immigrants
    to European countries, where Hashem
    establishes the groundwork for the upcoming.
    Douglas Murray, a renowned author, extensively
    elaborated on this in his best-selling book titled
    ‘The Strange Death of Europe.’ Europe is
    grappling with a severe threat of terrorism in
    various forms. Additionally, examining recent
    events in Ukraine, a country with a history of
    being sworn prosecutors of Jews for generations,
    reveals a cruelty even surpassing that of the
    Germans in certain aspects.
    But the truth is that this is only the beginning, as
    Hashem has a more fitting retribution for all
    those Nazis. Based on these explanations, it
    becomes evident that the Gazans who have
    killed, tortured, and kidnapped our brothers and
    sisters, children, and babies are indeed
    following the footsteps and idealism of Amalek.
    Therefore, labeling them with that name is
    The Jewish Amalek
    An interesting question that may be asked is
    whether Jewish people could be Amalek. At
    first glance, it seems unlikely, as Jews are not
    descendants of Amalek and are, in fact, the
    victims of Amalek. However, upon further
    examination, a different perspective emerges.
    (‘אגדות ע״ד הפשט סימן י) Vaserman Elchanan Rav
    writes that the holy Chafetz Chayim told him
    that Jews who oppose the Jewish people and
    heritage are actually descendants of Amalek.
    also) אבן שלמה, פרק חבלי משיח) Gaon Vilna The
    goes to the extent of saying that even Jewish
    individuals displaying evil and cruel traits
    similar to Amalek are considered Amalek. This
    includes many Jewish leaders who oppose the
    Jewish heritage.
    Final words
    Finally, let’s delve into some hashkafa on this
    topic. The Holy Chafetz Chayim provided
    insight into the Mishna (end of Sotah) that
    prophesied a generation before the arrival of
    Mashiach, likening it to a dog. He explained
    that this comparison reflects the behavior of a
    dog, which, when a stick is thrown at it,
    instinctively bites the stick rather than the
    person who threw it. Similarly, in times of
    sorrow for Am Israel, such as enemy attacks,
    we often find ourselves fighting against the
    visible adversaries without recognizing the
    underlying cause – our sins, which give rise to
    these troubles. The Chafetz Chayim suggests
    that as long as we continue to focus on biting
    the “stick” – the apparent enemies – the sorrows
    will persist. Instead, he urges us to address the
    core issue, our wrongful ways, in order to bring
    about true rectification.