This Friday, July 29th, Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av is the
22nd yahrtzeit of the Bobover Rebbe, Rav Shlomo
Halberstam (1908-2000), son of Rav Benzion, grandson of
Rav Shlomo, founder of the Bobov dynasty. At the outbreak
of World War II, he and his father escaped to Lemberg. On
the fourth of Av 1942 his father was killed, and Rav Shlomo
escaped to the Bochnia Ghetto. In Bochnia, the Rav lost his
rebbetzin and two children. He managed to escape with his
only surviving child, Reb Naftali, to Budapest, and then to
Bucharest. Rav Shlomo is believed to have been the last
remaining Chassidic rebbe to have survived the Holocaust.
Born in the Galicia region of central Europe, Rav Shlomo
arrived in the United States in 1946, alone and indigent
after his group was largely obliterated by the Nazis. During
the war, Rav Shlomo dressed up as a nun in order to rescue
other Jews, hiding them in the false bottom of a coal truck.
He strove to create a Bobov that would match the Bobov
that had been destroyed, working assiduously to build
chassidim that his father would have been proud of. Rav
Shlomo is widely credited with rebuilding the Bobover
community in the United States.
It’s hard to believe that its been
thirty three years. The date, Friday,
February 12, 1988. It was exactly
eight days before my Bar Mitzvah.
Surprisingly my father picked me up
from Yeshiva and told me we were in for
a special treat. As we entered Boro Park,
I still had no clue whom or where I was
going to see or meet. My father
managed to nd a parking spot on 15th
Avenue between 46th and 47th streets.
We walked to the corner of 48th street
and 15th Avenue to an attractive looking
home that somehow appeared out
of place in Boro Park. To my surprise,
outside this home waited my
90-year-old great uncle Harry Boren
and his wife, my great aunt Eleanor. My
uncle greeted me and
told me again that this
would be a day I would
never forget for the rest
of my life. He was certainly
correct! I was at the
home of the Grand Rabbi,
Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam
zt”l, The Bobover
My family is not Bobov,
however, growing up I
always knew that my
family had some sort of
connection to the Bobover
family. I knew that my
family was with Rabbi
Halberstam zt”l in Poland.
But that was all I had
As we were greeted by
the Gabbai of the Rebbe,
Reb Shmuel Horowitz zt”l, I immediately
felt as though we were royalty. The
Gabbai took us up the steps where the
Rebbetzin greeted us. We followed the
Rebbetzin to the dining room, where
she gave us something to drink and
warmly conversed with all of us. About
ve minutes into the conversation, the
Rebbe appeared.
The very air around us seemed to clear a
path for the Rebbe. Could this room
alone contain all the greatness that
stood before me? I knew that I was in
the presence of one of the leading
gures of Torah Jewry. Physically, he
was a tall man in stature, with a silver
beard and horn-rimmed glasses. He
wore a magni cent navy blue,
patterned robe. He kissed my
uncle, and treated him as though
he was the Rebbe, the “nobleman”.
His actions and his m a n n e r i s m
s made an impression on me that
I shall never forget.
My uncle proceeded to introduce
my father and me to the Rebbe. In
a mixture of broken English,
Hebrew and Yiddish, the Rebbe
spoke to us for close to two hours.
To any Bobover Chasid, this would
seem impossible, however, the
Rebbe spoke to my uncle like he
was his best friend. He talked
about the old times with my uncle,
showed us pictures of his family in
Eretz Yisrael and tested me on the
Perek of Gemara I was learning in
My great uncle Harry Boren and
the Bobover Rebbe discussed the
relationship between my great
great Grandfather Aryeh Leib
Borenstien, (my namesake and Uncle
Harry’s father) and the Rebbe’s father,
Rabbi Ben Zion Halberstam zt”l. As
times grew worse for the Jewish people
in Galicia, Poland in the early 1900’s, the
elder Bobover Rebbe recognized the
dangers that lurked. However, for fear of
intermarriage and the lures of the
“brave new world,” Rabbi BenZion
Halberstam, was hesitant to allow immigration
to the United States.
However, he felt that the Borensteins
were a family that would not succumb
to outside temptations. Aryeh Leib and
his family settled in America and the
situation worsened in Poland. As World
War II approached, Aryeh Leib recognized
that the Bobover dynasty was in
danger of becoming lost in the ashes of
the Holocaust. He and a small group of
dedicated followers made every
attempt, and succeeded, to bring Rabbi
Ben-Tzion Halberstam, zt”l, and his
family to America in the 1940’s.
An hour passed like seconds, and the
Rebbe took out a Sefer Torah that was
written by a sofer of the Baal Shem Tov,
the founder of Chasidus. He told me
that he was a direct ninth descendant
of the Baal Shem Tov and that this Sefer
Torah had been handed down from one
generation to the next in his family. The
Rebbe allowed my father and me to
hold and kiss the Torah. Years later, I
went to the Rebbe for Simchas Torah
and learned that he would only dance
with this Torah on this day. I was among
the privileged few who had the “zechus”
to hold this precious Sefer Torah.
The Rebbe ended our conversation
when it was time for him to daven
Mincha. Before he left, he presented me
with a bar mitzvah gift of a silver
kiddush cup and his grandfather’s work,
Divrei Chaim. The bond between our
families was apparent to me, and the
bracha he gave me to continue in the
footsteps of my family only strengthened
our bond.
Over the years, I have managed many
times to visit Bobov in Boro Park. One
year I visited the Bobover Succah on
one of the nights of Chol Hamoed. It
was the rst time I ever went to a
Rebbe’s Tish. I was amazed at the
amount of followers that came, longing
to get a piece of the Rebbe’s food, a
bracha in its own right. When the Rebbe
saw me, he told the person next to him
to make sure I got a spoon of his soup. I
was astounded that he still remembered
me, even years after I had rst
met him.
Regretfully, I had been out of town the
day of the Rebbe’s P’Tirah. However, I
heard how the streets of Boro Park had
been closed for blocks. I heard how in
addition to the Rebbes six thousand
chasidim, there were an additional
thirty thousand mourners from all over
the world who came to show their
respect, devotion, and dedication to
the Rebbe. My father later told me how
he had been among those who listened
to the Rebbe’s son’s words of mourning
and comfort. My father, one of thousands,
is testimony as to how one man,
one great man, touched the lives of so
many and will be gravely missed.