09 Jun Remembering Rav Dovid Trenkel ZT”L On His First Yahrziet
Harav Dovid Trenk, a l e g e n d a r y Mechanech who inspired generations of talmidim, was niftar this week one year ago. Rav Trenk zt”l was the rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Moreshes Yehoshua of Lakewood, NJ and was niftar at the age of 77 years old. “Larger than life,” “a legend,” “pure heart” and “the real thing” are just some of the many ways Rav Trenk is remembered by talmidim and admirers worldwide. Reb Dovid touched the lives of thousands upon thousands of people, as he dedicated his entire life to Chinuch and bringing Yidden closer to Hashem. With his legendary smile, and unparalleled Avahav Yisroel, Reb Dovid embraced thousands in the Mirrer Yeshiva, Camp Munk, Adelphia Yeshiva, and later at Yeshiva Moreshes Yehushua in Lakewood. Many lovingly called him Rebbe and the enormous adoration everyone shared for him is impossible to put into words. If you have seen Rabbi Trenk enthusiastically interact with people you would have become a changed person, watching as he treated everyone with the same boundless love and affection, a love born out of his association with his Rebbe, the Kapyschnitzer Rebbe Z’TL who came to influence him in his youth. Reb Dovid was born in New York in 1941 to Reb Shea and Bas-Sheva Trenk. Reb Dovid spent his Yeshiva years in the Mirrer Yeshiva, where he had an incredible connection to his Rabbeyim, Hagaon HaRav Shmuel Brudny ZATZAL, the Mashgiach Hagaon HaRav Feldman ZATZAL, Hagaon HaRav Avrohom Kalmanowitz ZATZAL, Hagaon Ha- Rav Shmuel Berenbaum ZATZAL. Reb Dovid married Rebbetzin Leah (Bagry), and after several years in kollel, he took a position teaching ninth grade in Yeshivas Mir–Brooklyn. In 1971, the Trenks moved to Adelphia, New Jersey. Before there were experts and response teams, Rabbi Trenk was working alongside Rav Yerucham Shain at the Adelphia Yeshivah of the 1970s, touching Yiddishe kinderlach with the warmth of his gaze, the searing power of his optimism and faith. Rabbi Trenk was the original trailblazer in chinuch. Decades before there was an OurPlace, The Minyan Shelanu, The Living Room, Waterbury Yeshiva, Reb Dovid was out on the front lines recruiting and inspiring boys, often those shunned or disappointed by others or society. Unconditional support, encouragement, understanding and love that created a unique connection and bond with Hashem, his Torah and Klal Yisroel. That was Reb Dovid Trenk’s method. Reb Dovid looked for the talent and kishronos in each child and found a way to build up their self-esteem. Sports, music, art, anything it takes. Rabbi Trenk, the energetic, inspiring, super human would come to shape so many lives, save so many souls in ways that one can not begin to fathom. Many books will need to be written to properly capture the sheer volume of stories of this Tzadik. Rav Trenk left behind his devoted aishes chayil, Rebbetzin Leah Trenk, and their wonderful family, along with thousands of grieving talmidim and admirers. He is also survived by his siblings, including Rav Zevi Trenk, menahel at Yeshiva Darchei Torah in Far Rockaway, and Rebbetzin Cohen, wife of Rav Dovid Cohen, rov of Cong. Gvul Yaavetz in Brooklyn. As the first Yahrzeit of the unique, incredible, and unforgettable Harav Dovid Trenk ztz”l nears, family, friends and talmidim join together to celebrate his legacy. A live streamed Tribute event is planned for the evening before the Yahrzeit, June 17th, 2020. The event will iy”H include a Siyum HaShas by Harav Azriel Brown Shlit”a, son-in-law of Rabbi Trenk and Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshiva Gedola & Mesivta of Carteret, followed by live music. A video production about Rabbi Trenk’s life will include words from some of his most distinguished friends. Harav Yaakov Bender shlit”a, Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshiva Darchei Torah, will be the Guest Speaker. The Dinner’s website TheTributeDinner.com has a unique section where people can share their memories of Rabbi Trenk with the public. The Dinner’s Chairman is Rabbi Dave Silverman, who spent decades together with Rabbi Trenk in Camp Munk. The dinner committee is R’ Zevi Bald, R’ Chaskel Bennett, R’ Naftali Miller, R’ Pinny Munk, R’ Getzy Tischler, R’ Moshe Tress. Yehi zichro boruch.
by: Chaskel Bennett
Larger Than Life, Legend, are just some of the many ways my beloved Rebbe is described by admirers and Talmidim alike. Both were accurate. I was eight years old when I first had the zechus to meet Rabbi Dovid Trenk Z’TL in Camp Munk. Though I wouldn’t know it at the time, this energetic superman would come to shape my life, define my mission and enthuse my soul in ways that I couldn’t begin to fathom, then or now. It wasn’t just me. Many lovingly called him Rebbe and the enormous adoration we all shared is impossible to explain, especially to outsiders. You likely witnessed how Rabbi Trenk enthusiastically interacted with his talmidim or total strangers and the amazing thing was he treated everyone with the same boundless love and affection, a love borne out of his association with his Rebbe, the Kapyschnitzer Rebbe Z’TL who came to influence Rebbe in his youth. Love of fellow yidden as essential as oxygen. Rebbe was a trailblazer in chinuch. Decades before there was a name to describe Kids at Risk or Kids in Pain, Rav Dovid was out on the front lines recruiting and inspiring his boys, often those shunned or disappointed by others or society. Unconditional support, encouragement, understanding and love that created a unique connection and bond with Hashem, his Torah and Klal Yisroel. That was the Trenk method. Rebbe looked for the talent and kishronos in each child and found a way to build up their self-esteem. Sports, music, art, were just some of his many tools to get them to Eluh Mitzios Shelo. His many talmidim spanned a fifty year legendary career in chinuch including the Mirrer Yeshiva in Brooklyn, Adelphia Yeshiva and Moreshes Yehushua. As we commemorate Rebbe’s first Yor Tzeit, we thank Hashem for the privilege of bringing such an incredibly positive person into our lives. It changed the trajectory for so many. Generations of talmidim and their families owe so much to Rav Dovid Trenk. A groundbreaking biography is forthcoming from ArtScroll Mesorah that many believe will change lives. May Rebbe’s memory & legacy live on and be a mailitz yosher for his Rebbetzin, the extended Trenk family and all of his Talmidim.