04 Dec Sarah Schenirer’s Hannukah Miracle
Did you know that the history of the Bais Yaakov Movement started on Shabbos Chanukah? That was the day Sarah Schenirer resolved to start a school for girls, as recounted in the wonderful new children’s book, Sarah Builds a School.
Written by Dr. Leslie Ginsparg Klein, the Academic Dean of WITS/Maalot Baltimore, and noted children’s book author Ann D. Koffsky, Sarah Builds a School brings to life the inspirational story of Sarah Schenirer.
Beginning when she was a young girl, Sarah Schenirer wanted to help girls see the beauty of Judaism, but she didn’t see how she could make a difference. Then one momentous Shabbat Hanukah, she visited a new synagogue, and heard a speech about Hanukkah’s heroines. The stories the Rabbi told about Hannah and Judith inspired her to start a school for girls and women, and changed the Jewish people forever.
Based on Frau Schenirer’s own diary and her student’s memoirs, the authors describe how Sarah Schenirer was teased as child for her dedication and how she later faced opposition when she chose to start her first school. But she never let those challenges shake her commitment. With grit and resilience, she overcame challenge after challenge, and did what she knew was right.
Sarah Builds a School is a delightful story written in a relatable way for children, and the book’s engaging illustrations by artist Dena Ackerman help readers connect to Sarah in a tangible way.
Just as Sarah was inspired by the stories of Judith and Hannah, so too today’s children can be inspired by the story of Sarah.
Sarah Builds a School is available online on Menucha Publisher’s website and on Amazon.com.
For more information, contact:
Ann D. Koffsky at ann@annkoffsky.com
Dr. Leslie Ginsparg-Klein: lklein@wits.edu