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    In their first three
    years, trees produce
    fruit that are orlah,
    which we are
    forbidden to eat or
    derive any benefit
    from them. We exhibit
    the important trait of
    patience in order to give the tree time to
    grow and strengthen, delaying our own
    gratification until after the tree is ready
    and we have thanked God properly for
    the fruit. While we may not eat or derive
    any benefit from orlah, can we learn
    from it?
    The definition of a “benefit” here is key.
    In order to determine where and how
    to plant trees in the most effective way,
    agricultural scientists examine fruit in
    a lab environment. They measure and
    weigh the fruit, slice it and examine it
    under a microscope. With the information
    learned from these examinations,
    scientists can help farmers maximize
    the use of land in order to produce fruit.
    Having to wait over three years to learn
    about the relative effectiveness of tree
    planting strategies can delay successful
    food production and incur significant

    costs that might prove prohibitive. Rav
    Ya’akov Ariel (cont., Israel) discusses
    this question in a responsum (Be-Ohalah
    Shel Torah, vol. 4, no. 35).
    I. Abnormal Enjoying
    There is a general rule that you are
    only punished for deriving benefit from
    something forbidden if you do so in
    the usual manner, derekh hana’asan
    (Pesachim 24a). The Gemara explicitly
    applies that to orlah fruit, saying that you
    are only punished if you enjoy the fruit
    in the normal way. The usual manner to
    benefit from fruit is eating it. Scientific
    experimentation constitutes benefit in an
    unusual manner.
    However, Rishonim debate whether
    such benefit is permissible or merely
    forbidden but unpunished. Rav Moshe
    Isserles (Shulchan Arukh, Yoreh De’ah
    155:3) rules that when something is
    forbidden to benefit (assur be-hana’ah), it
    is only permissible to derive benefit from
    it in an unusual manner for someone who
    is mildly sick. Otherwise, such benefit
    remains forbidden. Shakh (ad loc., 13)
    states this explicitly. Therefore, while
    there is a need to conduct scientific
    experimentation on orlah fruits, it cannot

    be permitted merely because the
    benefit is in an unusual manner.
    II. Seeing Is Not Enjoying
    Another avenue to explore
    is whether examining a fruit
    constitutes benefit at all. The
    Gemara (Pesachim 26a) says that
    artisans who were sent into the
    Holy of Holies in the Temple,
    the Kodesh Kodashim, would be
    sent into the area within enclosed
    containers so they would only focus
    on their specific renovation work
    and not look around and enjoy the sight
    of the holy space. The Gemara challenges
    this with a saying that “sound, sight and
    smell are not violations of me’ilah,” i.e.
    do not constitute forbidden benefit. The
    Gemara answers that this is the general
    rule but we are stricter when it comes to
    the Holy of Holies. The implication of
    this passage is that sight, just looking at
    an orlah fruit or any consecrated object,
    is permissible.
    However, another Gemara (Rosh
    Hashanah 28a) initially forbids blowing
    a shofar from an animal consecrated to
    a sacrifice. The Gemara concludes that
    it is permissible because mitzvos are
    not intended for benefit. Otherwise,
    blowing a consecrated shofar would
    be forbidden. This seems to contradict
    the previous passage which says that
    sound, sight and smell are not forbidden
    Rav Moshe Ibn Chabib (17th cen.,
    Israel; Yom Teru’ah 28b s.v. hadar amar
    Rava) distinguishes between an active
    and passive benefit. If you merely look
    at, hear or smell something whose
    benefit is forbidden, you have not done
    anything. That does not constitute
    benefit. However, if you take a shofar
    and blow it, you have actively heard
    the forbidden item and that itself is
    forbidden. Rav Ariel applies this to the
    case of scientific experimentation. The
    scientists do not merely look at an orlah
    fruit. They weigh it, measure it and
    subject it to other tests. This active way
    of seeing the fruit is forbidden.
    III. Fruit Autopsies
    Rav Ariel quotes Rav Tzvi Pesach
    Frank (20th cen., Israel) who was
    asked whether a doctor can learn from
    a corpse that had undergone an autopsy
    (Responsa Har Tzvi, Yoreh De’ah,
    no. 278 and addendum). On the one
    hand, it is forbidden to conduct an
    autopsy in most circumstances and,
    more generally, it is forbidden to derive

    benefit from a corpse. On the other hand,
    Rav Frank argues, learning information
    from observation does not constitute
    deriving a benefit. He quotes Ritva
    (Sukkah 32b s.v. ve-ha’amar Rava) who
    says that only benefit from the actual
    substance of the item is forbidden. He
    explains that this is why it is permissible
    to perform mitzvos with an item from
    which it is forbidden to derive benefit
    even though you obtain divine reward
    from those mitzvos. The divine reward is
    a benefit but it does not come from the
    actual substance of the item. Similarly,
    a brother of a deceased husband may
    perform the chalitzah ceremony with a
    sandal from which benefit is forbidden
    even though the ceremony permits the
    wife to remarry. That benefit is not from
    the actual substance of the sandal and
    therefore is allowed.
    Rav Frank argues that examining
    body parts from an autopsy also does
    not constitute deriving benefit from
    the substance of the forbidden item.
    Therefore, it is allowed. Similarly, Rav
    Ariel argues that deriving scientific
    information from an orlah does not
    constitute a forbidden benefit. Even
    though the scientific experiment
    involves active use of the forbidden
    fruit, the benefit does not come from
    the fruit’s substance but rather from the
    In fact, the scientists themselves do not
    really benefit from the experimentation.
    Those who grow the fruits also do not see
    a benefit. The benefit really arises once
    the results from multiple experiments
    are combined to reach a conclusion and
    new trees are planted in the optimal
    way. That benefit could be years in the
    future through knowledge gained in
    multiple ways from different sources.
    Therefore, concludes Rav Ariel, with a
    bit of discussion about combined results
    (zeh ve-zeh gorem), it is permissible
    to conduct these types of scientific
    experiments on orlah fruit.