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    Shabbos Nachamu

    An ancient sefer (written by an Italian gadol) called Sefer Minhag Tov, writes, “It is a good custom not to take a haircut before erev Shabbos Nachamu, and when erev Shabbos Nachamu arrives, one is obligated to take a haircut, and he should be happy and welcome the Shabbos with joy and with a good heart. He will be consoled with many condolences, and Hashem will console us with the redemption of Yerushalayim.”

    Similarly, the Mahari’l states that on Shabbos Nachamu the entire nation shall be happy and trust in the condolences of the redemption.”

    The Mishnah (Taanis 26:) states “The Jewish nation never had such good yomim tovim as the†fifteenth†of†AvÆ”†The†Ritvah†writes ,“Therefore there’s a custom to conduct a festive meal on Shabbos after Tisha b’AvÆ”†Student†of†the†Rashba¨†write it’s a mitzvah to celebrate this Shabbos as though it were a yom tov.

    The Chasam Sofer (Masay) teaches in the name of the Yerushalmi that Av is a month comprising two months. Av is until Tisha b’Av, and after Tisha b’Av a new month begins, called Menachem.

    Several times, in the Chasam Sofer’s teshuvos, he writes the date “the month Menachem.”

    The words חדש†בחדשו†imply

    that there is a month that begins in the middle of the month. The Chasam Sofer says that this is Menachem, which starts in the middle of Av.

    Hashem is with Us

    This Shabbos is called שבת

    נחמו†, the Shabbos of condolence,

    because of the haftarah that begins, נחמו†נחמו†עמי†, “Be

    consoled, my nation.”

    But how can we be consoled? We lost the Beis HaMikdash and were banished into galus.

    The answer is remember that Hashem is our G-d. We are in galus, but Hashem is with us, and that realization is a cause of great joy.6

    In Shir HaShirim (4:8) it states Hashem says to the Jewish nation, “You will go with Me to galus…”

    Rashi†writes¨†“And†when†you return from this exile, I will return with you. And also, in galus, I am with you, through all your tzaros.”

    Our condolence is that Hashem is always with us.

    It states (Yeshayah “I, and only I, am the one who consoles you.” The double אנכי†is our condolence.

    Because at the revelation of matan Torah, Hashem said Also, regarding the darkest moments of galus it states אנכי†אנכי†≠†הסתר†אסתיר†(“I will

    hide …”). represents the peak of revelation and the אנכי†depths of

    galus. אנכי†אנכי†≠†הוא†מנחמכם

    means that during good times when Hashem reveals His kindness to us, and even during times of concealment and galus, it is the same Hashem who is with us. And this awareness consoles us.

    Hashem is always close to the Jewish nation, as it states Which great nation has a “G-d close to them like Hashem our G-d.” The†Midrash†©Devarim†Rabba†2) elaborates:

    A ship arrived at an unknown island, and the gentiles on board sent the only Yid on board to the island to buy food and provisions. The Yid asked them, “Why are you sending me? I am a stranger to this island, just like you.”

    They told him, “You are not alone. Wherever you go, Hashem is with you.

    A†fire†once†broke†out†in†the†home†of†Reb†Shmuel†Minkes†zt’l (a student of the Baal HaTanya†zt’l®¨†and†Reb†Shmuel†was seen outside dancing. People feared that he lost his mind†due†to†the†financial†lossƆWhy else would he be dancing at this time?

    He explained to them, “If I were a non- Jew, my G-d would be†burned†in†the†fire†together†with my wealth. But I’m a Yid, and my G-d still exists. That’s why I’m so happy.”