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    I. Shabbos Clothes
    We greet Shabbos
    and spend the entire
    day clean and proper,
    dressed in fine clothes.
    Do we also need to wear
    fine shoes that we have
    designated for Shabbos?
    The Gemara (Shabbos 119a) says that R.
    Chanina and R. Yannai would wear special
    clothes to greet Shabbos. The Gemara
    (Shabbos 113b) quotes Naomi’s instruction
    to Rus: “And you shall bathe, and anoint
    yourself, and put on your dress” (Ruth 3:3).
    R. Eliezer explains that Naomi told Rus to
    wear her Shabbos clothes.
    Based on the above, Shulchan Aruch
    (Orach Chaim 262:2) rules that you should
    strive to have special, nice clothes set aside
    for Shabbos. If not, you should at least make
    your regular clothes look nice. Should we
    also have Shabbos shoes? For some people,
    the cost of an extra pair of shoes for a large
    family is within reach but difficult. Is there a
    need to spend that much money on Shabbos
    shoes or can people make do with one pair
    of shoes and allocate the money differently?
    This all boils down to whether shoes are
    considered clothing.

    II. Are Shoes Clothing?
    Rav Ephraim Hacohen, a 17th century
    rabbinic judge in Vilna (whose grandson
    was the author of Chacham Tzvi), was
    asked about someone who committed to pay
    for his friend’s clothing (Sha’ar Ephraim,
    no. 124). The friend assumed that this
    includes shoes while the man who made
    the promise refused to pay for shoes. Rav
    Hacohen rules that clothing does not include
    shoes. He brings proof from the Mishnah
    (Sanhedrin 60b) that lists different forms of
    worshipping an idol that are forbidden but
    are not punished either execution. These
    include: “one who hugs (an idol), kisses it,
    cleans it, sprays water before it, washes it,
    rubs it with oil, puts clothes on it (malbish,
    or puts shoes on it (manil).” From the fact
    that the Mishnah distinguishes between
    putting clothes on an idol and putting shoes
    on it, Rav Hacohen deduces that shoes are
    not considered clothing. Although he admits
    that this proof is not irrefutable.
    Rav Ya’akov Reischer (18th cen., Germany;
    Shevus Ya’akov 1:24) quotes other texts that
    distinguish between clothing and shoes.
    For example, “And they clothed them, and
    gave them shoes, and fed them, and gave
    them drink” (2 Chronicles 28:15). Similarly,

    “Your clothes did not wear out
    on you and the shoes on your
    feet did not become tattered”
    (Deut. 29:4). However, he
    disagrees with this entire line
    of argument. He explains that
    shoes are a type of clothing.
    They might be singled out for
    emphasis but they remain an
    item of clothing. The Mishnah
    includes putting shoes on an
    idol separately because putting
    only shoes on an idol, without
    putting any other clothes on it, is
    enough to violate the prohibition. Similarly,
    the Gemara (Eruvin 4a) says that: “One who
    enters a leprous house, and his clothes are
    draped over his shoulders, and his sandals
    and his rings are in his hands, he and they,
    immediately become ritually impure.” Rashi
    (ad loc., s.v. keilav) explains that these are
    all items of clothing but he is not wearing
    them normally so they also become impure.
    In the addenda at the beginning of volume
    two of Shevus Ya’akov (no. 24), Rav
    Reischer points out that we sometimes see
    language of feeding and offering drink. The
    above-quoted verse in 2 Chronicles uses such
    language, as does the Gemara (Kiddushin
    31b) about the obligations a child has to a
    parent. Just like drink is a subset of food,
    so too shoes are a subset of clothing (see
    the variant text in the Ein Ya’akov, ad
    loc.). Based on the above, Rav Reischer
    disagrees with Rav Hacohen and rules
    that someone who committed to pay for
    his friend’s clothing must also pay for his
    Based on what we have seen so far, it
    would seem that Rav Reischer would
    require you to have special Shabbos
    shoes, if possible, and Rav Hacohen
    would consider them unnecessary.
    III. Shabbos Shoes
    Rav Yosef Chaim of Baghdad (20th
    cen.; Rav Pe’alim, vol. 4, Orach Chaim,
    no. 13) addresses this question directly
    and does not quote the responsa above.
    Rather, he focuses on the blessings
    we recite in the morning. We recite on
    blessing on clothing (“malbish arumim,
    who clothes the naked”) and another on
    shoes (“she-asah li kol tzorki, who has
    provided me with all I need). The latter
    blessing was instituted regarding shoes
    (Berachos 60b). Since we have separate
    blessings, shoes must not be considered
    an article of clothing and therefore is not
    covered by the blessing on clothes. Rav
    Yosef Chaim also quotes the Talmud
    Yerushalmi (Shabbos 6:2) which says
    explicitly that it is not normal practice to
    have separate shoes for the weekday and

    for Shabbos. Therefore, Rav Yosef Chaim
    rules that you do not need special Shabbos
    Rav Shlom Zalman Braun (20th cen., US;
    She’arim Metzuyanim Ba-Halachah 72:37)
    quotes Rav Ya’akov Moelin (Maharil,
    15th cen., Germany), cited in Ba’er Heitev
    (529:4). Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim
    529:1) says that your Yom Tov clothes should
    be nicer than your Shabbos clothes. Ba’er
    Heitev adds in the name of Maharil that if
    you cannot afford special Yom Tov clothes,
    you should buy nicer shoes for the holiday.
    Rav Braun infers from this language that
    shoes are not considered clothing. Normally
    you do not need special shoes for Shabbos
    or Yom Tov but if you cannot afford special
    clothes, you should buy special shoes.
    Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky (cont., US;
    Kovetz Halachos, Shabbos, vol. 1 1:32)
    rules that you should have special Shabbos
    shoes. Effectively, he follows Rav Reischer
    and not Rav Hacohen, Rav Yosef Chaim or
    Rav Braun. Rav Moshe Isserles (16th cen.,
    Poland; Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat
    248:11) writes that someone dying (shechiv
    me-ra) who says that he gives all his clothes
    to a certain person, that person acquires
    anything called clothing, whether for the
    weekday or for Shabbos. Rav Akiva Eiger
    (19th cen., Poland; Glosses, ad loc.) quotes
    Rav Reischer’s above responsum and says
    that the dying person’s shoes also go to
    the recipient because shoes are considered